Consequences (Slaves of the Gods Book 2)
Slave of Olympus 2
By Alan Horn
Chapter 1 : Enemies
Chapter 2 : Rescue
Chapter 3 : Ramira
Chapter 4 : Anne and Ramira
Chapter 5 : Apollo and Anne
Chapter 6 : Progress
Chapter 7 : The Pet
Chapter 8 : Party
Chapter 9 : Anomaly
Chapter 10: Golds Force
Chapter 11: Ponygirls
The Gods never wanted to be worshiped. That was so demeaning. Even if they were responsible for lifting the earthlings up to sapience. To them uplift was community beautification. Also, they were a tad lonely. They had been the only sapient beings around for so long, they wanted company that wasn't a cousin. And now there were pests in the garden. They also never wanted to be pest exterminators. They could walk away but were loathe to desert their almost children. If they walked away the pests would likely destroy the earthlings.
If they just continued defending the earthlings, they would never advance. A congress of the peoples discussed solutions. The solution they found was part scam and part technology. The scam part originated with Loki, of course. He was the original out-of-the-box thinker.
Loki invented a new God to replace them. A God of love and acceptance. One who didn't actually show up on Earth and hurl lightning. One who was never seen but demanded worship. All that was needed were true believers to spread the word. Jehovah was Loki's finest creation. Athena, Coyote, and several others helped make the final model. Of course the committee had a tough sell before the Congress agreed to it.
The debate was heated. Everyone agreed that the tried and true, tough love approach just wasn't working. It was clear thunderbolts and earthquakes were just too memorable. But few believed a God based on namby-pamby tolerance and love would fly. No one else had a more reasonable approach, though, so a multi-year trial was approved. It worked.
Jehovah was a smashing success. Soon no one on Earth except historians ever mentioned all the old pantheons. Now the former Gods and Goddesses could go back to being Thal and focus on minding their own gardens.
The Congress readily accepted the technology part. It was straight forward technology and didn't trample on anyone's beliefs. Vulcan's team devised a way to limit dimensional travel from Drak to Earth to only one or two transports per lunar cycle.
We call the Draks werewolves. Now so seldom seen we regard them as myth. Shapeshifting, vicious, quick breeding, and dimensional travelers. Drak have no grasp of technology and are tribal nomads. Their threat lies in their rapid breeding rate and their interdimensional shifting ability. The Thal blocked the main dimensional paths so only a few Draks reach Earth now and are easy to deal with.
Chapter 1 : Enemies
Archana and Leelavathi were allies, not friends but they shared many goals.
"Have you persuaded your husband to move?"
"Archana, he is like a rock on edge. I can move him, but no one can tell which way he will fall."
"He must see our position is righteous. Our sisters in Olympus have been enslaved far too long. They must be freed. We are as important as males everywhere else in the universe."
"He does, but he also believes we should not meddle in another realm's policies. Besides, he thinks the Olympians are powerful. He does not think any other realm alone could prevail in a contest."
"But could we not find allies in other realms?"
"We have discussed this many times. He does not think so. Asgard is a strong partner with Olympus and would back them. Kush suffers under several powerful political factions and their beliefs are close to Olympus. The Aztecs and Incas have nothing in common with us. The followers of RA are too weak to matter. The Orientals pride themselves in their inscrutability. My husband does not know what they will do. But they are not bold enough to strike at a powerful enemy in any case."
"Then we must either divide our enemy or look outside our realms to find aid. Maybe both. I have an idea where to look, but I need to do some more work."
"Where will you look for aid."
"In the most unlikely place. I will not speculate now. I will work on the plan and talk to you in a short while if it is workable."
Alice Henderson was fifty five years old. Her daughter, Julie, was thirty. Alice was often taken for Julie's sister. There was no perceptible difference in their ages. Actually, there was no difference in their physical ages. Alice stopped aging when she was thirty. Olympus took promising women when they were thirty give or take a year or two. When they arrived in Olympus their aging process was stopped. The Olympians had learned how to teach a person's body how to repair itself. They could still die from violence or accident, but their body would not wear out. They took Alice when she was thirty. She spent five years in Olympus and returned to Earth pregnant with Julie.
Alice received a Ph.D level education in mathematics and geology while in Olympus. Their educational methods were quite effective and erotic.
Alice taught mathematics at an upstate New York college. She played the cello in a regional orchestra and volunteered at a crisis hotline.
The Olympians returned Alice with all the paperwork to slip back into American society. She had received her education at a prestigious university. They provided her with ample funds and documents to prove her bona fides. The Olympians agents on Earth provided covers, intervene when necessary and provide communication links. They gave Alice a way to communicate and, of course, her former master was always aware of her. When Julie had turned thirty, Alice had told Olympia she was a good candidate. They took her and her disappearance smoothed over.
I worked on the crisis line most Saturdays in the evening. I had learned to be a good listener and had likely saved several suicidal people. Most of them were young women or teenage boys. A few were older people who had lost a loved one or had some other personal tragedy. It had been a slow evening when I received a call from a young woman. She was crying so much I had difficulty understanding her. I kept my voice slow and calm, trying to soothe the distraught girl. Soon she became coherent. She related a common tale. A runaway from an alcoholic, abusive mother. Her father had abandoned them when she was quite young. When she ran away a young man, Ramon, who was kind to her. He gave her a place to stay and helped her find work as a waitress. It wasn't long before he got her hooked on heroin and forced her to start turning tricks to pay for her habit. Of course he was her supplier and wanted sexual favors besides to her money. Within a year he was her pimp. She made a lot more money as a whore than a waitress, but she never saw any of it. He forced her to live with him. He got rid of all her friends and dictated her clothing, hair, food. He controlled every aspect of her life. She called because she was afraid she had overdosed and was feeling terrible.
I got her address and called 911.
The following day I talked to the EMTs and learned the girl's name was Anne Carlyle. Anne was in the hospital and visited I her on Sunday. Anne was incoherent and the Doctor said it was a close one but she would recover. He had also found many old scars and healed fractures. Anne had been beaten several times. He had reported the abuse to the police and a detective had interviewed her. Anne had not cooperated. She was terrified of Ramon and his gang. He said she would be released next Sunday.
I went back to the hospital every day after classes. Anne recovered and told me she wanted to leave town. She had relatives in Cleveland she could stay with.
I arranged for Anne to stay in a safe house run by the crisis line. I went to the hospital on Sunday, prepared to take her t
o the safe house. She wasn't there. She had left the night before in the company of several young men. I drove around the hospital and went to Anne's address, but found nothing.
I was afraid Ramon would hurt or kill Anne, so I called the police. They were not helpful. Anne had to be missing for 24 hours before they would start looking for her. I fumed and fretted, but there was nothing else I could do. Well, there was one thing, but I had to be certain before calling for that help.
The next day, after getting home from a late class the phone rang. It was Anne. She was sobbing. Through her sobs she said Ramon had taken her from the hospital. Ramon and his gang had beaten and raped her for hours. They all got drunk while gang banging her. She was able to escape after they had fallen asleep.
I agreed to meet Anne on a well traveled street corner in 30 minutes. I got there on time and saw Anne waiting for me. I stopped and Anne flew into the car followed by two young, swarthy young men. One shoved a gun in my face and held a chemical soaked rag over my nose and mouth. Everything went black.
I woke groggy. My head hurt. I remembered two men grabbing me. I didn't open my eyes or make a sound. I was laying face up on a bed. My arms and feet tied well apart. My clothes were gone. I was well positioned for rape. I guessed by the whole gang. Well, it wouldn't be the first time, but I wouldn't like it. I resolved to play nice and wait my chance to escape. I wasn't in danger yet so I would keep my hole card. I pulled on the ropes holding my arms taut. They didn't budge, But I heard a male voice say, "Boss, the good samaritan's awake."
Rats. I wasn't ready. My head still hurt. Oh well. I opened my eyes and saw a grubby young man looking me over and another, bigger one walking toward me. Sure enough, tight ropes held my arms and legs spread eagled on a king size bed and there was a pillow under my ass.
The bigger one stood by the bed and looked me over for a long time. He said, "You tried to take my chick away from me. I don't like that."
"You're killing her. You've broken her bones and hooked her on heroin. She'll be dead in a month the way you're treating her. She's not a dog. She's a human being. She deserves better than you!"
"Pretty feisty lady, seeing your position. Shut up unless I tell you to talk."
"I will not. Let us go now, or you're going to be in more trouble than you can bear."
"Miguel take off your belt and whip this cunt into shape. Start with her legs."
The big guy took his belt off as Miguel followed orders. They started hitting me with the leather straps. Miguel concentrated on my thighs, one at a time. The first stroke hit low on my left thigh the next a little higher. The boss, Ramon, I guess, started on my stomach and the strokes marched toward my breasts. They had done this before and spaced the strokes out. The pain was intense. I remembered my whippings in Olympus. This was about as bad. I was able to stifle my screams for five strokes then I screamed loud and long. Their smiles broadened as I began to scream. I knew this whipping would cause me pain but no real harm. I had experienced the whip before. I just had to endure it and screaming helped me manage my pain. Soon, I felt my belly warm from within. The scald on my skin was making me horny. I wanted them to stop whipping me and start fucking me. I started to beg as well as scream. "Please, master. I am just a girl. Please fuck me. I need you." I repeated my litany over and over. Ramon said, "enough, Miguel."
He gave me one last stroke across both my erect nipples. It hurt more than all the others, but my scream was of pleasure not pain. My climax had arrived and it was a big one. When I became aware of my surroundings again I saw Ramon had dropped his pants and was mounting the bed.
"Please master, fuck me hard." I begged.
"You warm up well, Chiquita. I'm going to send you to heaven again.
I saw his cock. It was big and rigid. I knew I was going to enjoy him. His weight lay on me, squeezing me into the bed. I liked it. I always had liked being helpless under the weight of a lover. I felt his big cock probe around my sopping pussy and then it slid in, filling me. The slippery friction of our sexual union was fantastic. I hadn't been so hot or fucked so hard since Olympus. He was not kind or considerate, but he was good. He made me climax twice more before he came. And I had a third one as his hot spend filled me. He left his cock in me while I recovered.
I felt him lift off me. "Thank you, master. That was wonderful."
"That's good, Chiquita. The rest of my boys will keep you company now."
I should have been horrified, but I was happy. I knew my girl parts would enjoy their use and they didn't wear out. "Thank you, master. When will you come back?"
"Chiquita, you surprise me. Would you like to be my girl?"
"Master, you are too hard on your girls. I wouldn't last a month."
Miguel was next, then there were many more. I lost track but I felt well fucked, maybe a dozen times. I was in heaven. Rough though these guys may be, they sure knew hoe to give a girl a good time. I was getting a little sore when the stream finally stopped.
Miguel and someone else came in and untied me from the bed. They tied my hands behind me and took me to a bare room. Anne was already there, her hands tied behind her and also naked. A long chain ran from a big ring on one wall. The other end locked around Anne's neck. They took me over to the chain and used a padlock to fasten it around my neck too.
Anne had a terrified expression on her face. She stuttered and cried. "Alice, they raped me over and over and now they're going to kill me. They told me they were doing a snuff party and they would film it and make a lot of money from perverts who would buy it."
"Anne, they're just scaring you. Ramon seems to care for you. Don't believe their bullshit."
"Oh, Alice, I'm so scared. I saw them making an altar in the big room. and I saw a camera. I think they're serious. What can we do?"
"First let's see if we can untie our hands. "
We both stood up and backed together.
"Let me see if I can untie your knot", I said.
I fumbled around and finally got the knot between my fingers. It was a couple of simple overhand knots. They were out of the reach of her fingers, but I had no trouble untying her. Then she untied mine. She was much faster since she could see the knots.
"Now let's see if we can pull that ring off the wall. Most of this is just sheetrock." We both stood up and grabbed the chain near the wall and pulled. It gave a little and I put my foot on the wall and pushed hard. The ring lept off the wall and I almost fell over.
"Now let's see if we can sneak out of here. "
"But, we're naked. Someone will see us."
"Anne, don't let that worry you now. Just try not to let them see you."
We tiptoed over to the door. It wasn't locked. I turned the knob and pulled it open a crack. I could see a bunch of the gang twenty feet away. The room was bright and no one seemed to be watching the door.
"They will see us when we step out of the room. Do you know where an exit is?"
"The only one I know of is on the other side of the building, behind the gang."
Shit. I looked around but there was nothing in the room except for us and the chain we wore.
"All we can do is wait for them to look away and try to sneak out."
I watched through the crack hoping something would distract them.
Then I saw one of them start toward us. I closed the door and said, "Quick, get behind the door an be quiet."
I took the chain in both hands and waited. The door opened and the man walked in. He stopped as soon as he saw we weren't in sight.
I threw the chain over his head, my arms crossed. The garrote wrapped around his neck and I pulled for all I was worth. He crumpled before me and dragged me down. I whispered to Anne, "Close the door."
I felt his pulse, he was gone. I searched him and found a key ring. I opened the locks holding the chain on our necks. I stripped him and distributed his clothing between us. I took his pants and undershirt. Anne got his underpants and shirt. His shoes were too big for both of us. He had a switchblade in h
is pocket. I took that and put it in his, now my, pants.
"Now we have a little better chance. When I open the door, walk casual. Think, I belong here." I looked at her long blond hair and thought 'whoops, a girl doesn't belong here.' I cut two short pieces off the rope I was bound with. "Here, tie up your hair. a ponytail will do." I tied mine up too.
"Remember, be casual. swagger. I opened the door and walked out as if I owned the place, right into Ramon's arms. He grabbed me and yelled for help.
They left me tied in a strict hogtie on the floor of the room and they dragged Anne out. I had struggled but couldn't escape Ramon. We were both naked again and we both had a few more bruises. I'll say this for Ramon, he's consistent. Before the door closed I could hear him yelling to tie her tight and get the camera ready. I had seen the altar and it looked like they were going to kill her on camera. I only had one thing I could do and it was a doozy.
Chapter 2 : Rescue
I prayed. I thought hard of my need and formed a picture in my mind of Apollo, my personal God. I strained so hard I thought I would pass out. Then he was there with me. I felt him flowing through my mind like a spring wind. Cool. refreshing, and so alive. I opened my eyes and saw his huge, golden form looking at me. He waved at me as he turned to the door. My ropes fell away and I heard him say, "Wait."
The door in front of him vanished and I could see the gang standing around Anne's tied body on their altar. As Apollo strode forward the men surrounding Anne stopped and looked at him. Then they all vanished, like the door, like soap bubbles dissolving in the air. Apollo picked up Anne's body and I saw her ropes fall off her. The altar and camera vanished too. It was like everything but Anne and I had never been. He carried Anne as if she was weightless. He lowered an arm and lifted me to my feet.
"Time to go home, Alice."
We were standing in a courtyard. The air was so clean and fresh, I knew it was Olympus. He handed Anne's limp body to a man I didn't know and said, "She was so terrified I just put her to sleep. She will be healed here."