Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Read online

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  While she's getting me hot, Master opens my mouth and flosses my teeth. OK, it sounds weird, but a girl hasn't lived until she's fucked with a banana while being flossed. I highly recommend it.

  I've been a doggie pet girl now for most of a year. Master takes me for a walk almost every evening. I am great at four legged walking now. I can even run for a short distance. Master uses a leash to my nose ring all the time. Since I have gotten faster he doesn't have to worry about pulling too hard. I am a good heeler now. I walk so I can see his legs out of the corner of my eye. I stop perfectly and I sit up and wait for him to start. He often pats my head when I sit. It feels so good. I am always horny. He gave me an orgasm for Thanksgiving.

  We went to the main house for a party. Master took out my gag for the party. Most of the staff was there, and all the girls. They are especially nice to me. They gave me bits of turkey and dressing from their bowls. I didn't get fed because master said I was not sleek enough. B when I snuggled up to Denise, said , "Kiss me" then she took a bite of her food and turned her head. I crawled in next to her and kissed her. She used her tongue to push a bite of turkey into mine. I stuck it in the corner of my mouth and kissed her hard. After we broke, i chewed and swallowed the turkey. None of the masters paid any attention to the feeding girls. They were all talking to each other. I went to each of the girls and I kissed them all . Everyone gave me a bite of food. Turkey and kisses. Wow.

  When dinner was over everyone went to the living room. All the girls were kneeling on the floor. All the butt plugs and chastity belts were removed from us. We were open for business. First we played a fucking game. We were all blindfolded. By the way, a blindfold is so much nicer than the hood. Anyway, someone would kiss a girl. If the girl could identify who she kissed then she got an orgasm. Either by the guy, or if she identified a woman, then one of the girls had to nibble her to orgasm. There was a lot of incentive to be correct. If she misidentified her kisser, she was up to eat out the next winner. It continued for a long time. I got three orgasms and gave four out. Finally, I acted like a sex slave. My master gave me one of my orgasms. It was the best one.

  I found it hard to talk at the party. I think I forgot how, at least a little. I kissed and fucked better than ever, but I avoided speech as much as possible. Maybe I learned that speaking earned me the whip more often than actions. I don't know. Elinor was at the party but was not allowed to take part in the sex because she was only seventeen. She was frustrated. She wasn't a virgin and was on the pill. She wanted to get laid as bad as any of the girls. In a few months she will be eighteen and Master said he would have a christening party for her. She doesn't think I know, but I hear her rubbing her crotch when she thinks she's alone. Her chastity belt has a unique ring to it.

  Also, she whined about her needs on the way back from the party. We were on our leashes and I was gagged, as usual. She was given permission to speak and she begged for master to take her to bed. She continued her pleas for some time. Master commanded her to silence. When we got home Master put a gag in her mouth and locked her in the cell until bedtime. She slept with her gag all night and until lunch the next day. I made sure to be especially obedient.

  Chapter 13 - School Room

  Harold collected the students and took them into a part of the house they had never been.

  I was not sure what to think about this. I never expected to be in a classroom again. I was not a good student and college had never entered my mind. I wanted to be an actress. I expected my looks would get me in some low budget movies, I would learn and become a good actress. I never wanted to be a star.

  When I signed up to be a slave, it was my greed making the decision. Now that I didn't need the money, it was my pussy making the decision. I liked my sex life. My pussy was happy beyond my wildest dreams. Slavery wasn't work. It was pleasure. Now the downside shows up. I had to work again. Reading, thinking, tests, papers. and the whip waiting for us if we didn't excel. The plain fact was I was a slave. I would obey every command of any Master. The rewards for good performance were priceless beyond rubies. My pussy was definitely in charge.

  Harold had chained the three of us in coffle. As usual, whenever we weren't secured our hands were locked to the rear ring of our waistbands. I was in front and had a leash on my nose ring. Behind me was Muriel and behind her was Denise. He took us into the new classroom. It was large and light. There was a large screen on the front wall, and four tables set up in front of it in a two by two layout. There were two cushions on each table. Of course there were steel rings set into the walls and floor in many places. I saw a rack of whips and canes on one wall. We would be well secured in class.

  Harold said, "there is a complete audio visual computer hookup here. The camera is disabled so the instructor will not be able to see you. There is a button on each table and a microphone. If you need to speak to the instructor press the button and hold it down until finished speaking. You do not have to release it to hear the instructor. There is a red light on the button and on the wall by the screen. It will light up when the instructor can hear you. Be careful what you say and try not to rattle your chains or bells while the light is on.

  Harold dropped three cushions at one table close enough so we could all kneel close to the table. He locked my ankle chain to one of the floor rings and freed all our hands. At placed a packet of papers in front of each of us. "Read these. These are your remote enrollment forms and your class list." He took three notebook computers from a cabinet and placed them in front of us. I saw my name on the notebook. "Look over the documents and sign in to your student accounts. I will be back in 30 minutes. When you finish, make the documents neat, log off the computer, kneel and wait for me."

  I read everything, got the computer turned on. set up my account and cleaned up. Just in time. Harold returned and saw Muriel and I had finished and were kneeling, hands crossed behind us. Denise was just straightening her papers. Too bad for her.

  Harold said, "finish up Denise then punishment position.

  Denise finished, Knelt and said, "Yes, Master." Then raised her ass toward the ceiling.

  Harold picked a whip from the rack and gave Denise two hard stripes on her bottom.

  After each stroke Denise said, "Thank you, Master. May I have another, please?"

  Denise was good. She didn't flinch at the whip. She was totally silent during her punishment. If it was me, I would have gotten aroused and moaned a little. I never can keep my arousal to myself. I must be proud of it because I always moan. I hear myself but by then I am too far gone to care about stopping it. I get it on quick. Afterwards I feel a little guilty and sluttish. My rational self, tiny as it is, makes me feel too easy. Of course my horny self stands right up and shouts, "You are a fucking slave. Of course you're an easy lay. For Gods sake!" I was a little jealous of Denise until I remembered she didn't come. She's probably in need of a fuck right now.

  After the second stroke, Harold said, "That's all, Denise. Kneel." He put the notebooks and papers away and said, classes start tomorrow. Lecture at ten am." He unlocked me from the floor ring and took us back to the exercise room.


  Today was our first day of class. Muriel, Denise and I were at our tables, kneeling, of course. Our ankle chains were locked to floor rings. We had our notebooks, texts, and course syllabi printed out. We each had water bottles and were ready. The lecture was about to start. Harold was sitting in a chair behind us. We had two classes today, Marketing and Business Communications. We were apprehensive. We had never expected to go to college under the whip. The instructor was at a white board and started writing...

  After class was over, Harold critiqued us. He pointed out that we needed to improve our note taking skills. He projected all three of our notebook files on the big screen, side by side. One of us tried to write every word said, another missed two key concepts. The third missed the reading assignment. He said, "punishment position, girls. He gave each of us three crisp stripes. "Now all three of you rewri
te your notes. You have a hour until your next class. I will continue to check your work for all classes until you are all doing a good job." He left the room.

  "My God, this is hard. Now my ass hurts, I'm aroused, and I have to think about class notes. And to think I thought it would be easy to be a sex slave." The others laughed then we got to work rewriting our notes. We talked about every concept and used some group think to improve our notes. When we finished we had all learned the subject matter much better and our notes made sense. The whip is a great incentive! "You know fellow sex slaves, here we sit, chained to the floor, naked, waiting for our next class. We are surely the most unusual group of coeds ever."


  Elinor joined us for our next class. Harold relented and removed her leash and freed her hands after closing the door. He let us stand and her come and give each of us a kiss. He put her at a back table on the other side of the room. She had to wear headphones while our class was going. Afterwards he reviewed her work as well as ours. Muriel, I and Elinor all got two stripes for bad notes . It smarted but I'll try and do better next time.


  We had a new, more complex schedule with four of us in classes part of the time and doing homework at other times. Those of us without classes spent more time being sex toys. Both groups seemed happy with their lives. I for one was finding an unexpected joy in learning. We were doing well and getting good grades. Harold and the Masters were the reason. They were critiquing our work and making us be methodical and thorough. And they used the whip to ensure we worked to their standards. We only had classes three days a week so we still got plenty of sexual workouts. Even on school days, I was aroused every day and given an orgasm if my work was good. Another great incentive well designed to reward us horny sex slaves.