Submissives (Wage Slaves Book 4) Read online
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"Denise, Emily wears the cuffs at home. This must feel unusual for you, yet you look calm too. Why is that?"
"Master," Denise said, "I told you I am a natural submissive. I just haven't had a chance to be that way at home. I feel comfortable and safe with you. I may be foolish, but I am content to let you run things."
"OK. That's good news. Go with Harold and get equipped for your new life."
After they left I called Ronnie and told him to make sure the cameras were all working. "Harold is taking the girls to meet Stan and Melody. Watch those cameras. I want to see a copy tomorrow. "
Chapter 4 - Employees
Harold picked up the leashes again and said, "Please follow me." He led them out of the house and to a building about two hundred feet away. There were several cars and a pickup parked beside it. He led them into a door on the long side. There were several people waiting inside. They recognized the driver, Ben, but not the man or woman. Harold handed Denise' leash to the woman and said, why don't you start with Denise. Stan can take care of Emily then you can switch. Harold and Ben left.
The woman took Denise to what looked like a barber's chair and had her sit there. Stan took Emily to a workbench loaded with boxes and tools. He had her sit on a tall stool.
The woman said to Denise, "Honey, I'm Melody. I'm going to do your piercings and put your rings in. You can't be moving around or I might make a mistake.
Melody was young, just a year or two older than Denise. She had a slim build, red hair and nice breasts. She looked friendly.
She walked behind the chair and I felt a leather strap buckled around my upper left arm. Then the right. Then the straps tightened and my arms were pulled back hard. I was now attached to the chair. Melody then used another strap to bind my head to the chair. Finally, I felt her putting more straps around my thighs. She pulled until my knees were spread as wide apart as my shackles allowed.
I asked, "Melody. Is this going to hurt?"
"A little. I do it every day to girls who want exotic piercings. Some of them yell a little, but its over real quick. I'm going to do your nipples first, so I need to get them to stand up."
I was pleased to get nipple rings. I had wanted them since I first saw them on another model. They looked so erotic I almost wet myself then. I had hinted to Denise I would like some. She was worried about the expense. Now my employer / master was paying for them. I was sure they would be nice ones.
She put a hand on each of my breasts and started rubbing my nipples. It felt pretty good, then she said, "My, that was quick."
She painted an orange liquid on both nipples then she pushed a big needle through my left nipple. It hurt a little, but not near as bad as I expected. She picked up a big ring from a tray and used it to push the needle back out and then the ring was the only thing in my nipple. It was open and she used a large pair of pliers to squeeze it shut. I heard a sharp click as it closed. Now it was a solid gold ring. In my nipple. Heavy.
She did the same for my right nipple. Then she put a pair of rings in my labia lips. One in the left and one in the right. They looked identical to my nipple rings. The labia didn't hurt at all. I wanted to see them. I thought she was done and all I seen were glimpses around Melody's hands.
Then Melody told me, "just one more to do. This one is a little different because I'm going to put a grommet in first."
"A grommet, what's that for?" I had never heard that word before."
"It lines the hole where the ring goes. Makes it stronger and the ring won't bind on your skin."
"OK, but where else can you put it?"
"In your nose, honey. It will look great there."
I was not happy about having a ring in my nose. I know it was becoming more popular. I had even seen ads for nose jewelry from big name designers. Still, I felt uncomfortable. "Melody do you have to put it there?"
"Honey, that's where I was told to put it. If you don't want it, I was told to ask you if you want out?"
"Oh, No. I don't want out. I guess it will be OK."
"Good," Melody said, and brushed some of the orange liquid inside my nose with a q-tip. My nose got numb and she stuck a big metal thing in my face. Big parts stuck in my nose, then there was a snap sound and pain erupted in my head. It was much worse than my nipples. I thought I had been shot. I screamed and she pulled the thing away from my face. I saw my blood on it and felt faint. I couldn't move. She brushed some more stuff in my nose that stung. She stuck something else up my nose and moved it around. Everything she did hurt. Then I felt pressure squeezing in the middle of my nose. I felt a click and she took the things out of my nose. I still felt the pressure. She inserted another gold ring and squeezed it together with large pliers. Another click. Then I was left alone with my pain and another heavy ring dangling from my nose.
She released the strap holding my head. I shook my head and felt the heavy ring swing back and forth like the clapper in a bell. I wanted to see myself so much. "Can I use a mirror?"
John sat in his office on the main floor of the house. There was an array of large screen monitors covering much of the wall in front of his desk. The system could watch any camera on the estate. He had switched the workshop feeds onto four screens. Two showed Emily and two Denise. He was focused on them. He had an enormous erection. He called Harold to come in and watch his first two slaves understand the depth of their helplessness.
"Harold," he said, "I can't wait to get these girls in bed. Look at Denise. Her rings emphasize her submission more than her chains. The mere presence of such large, solid rings shows she is property. She would never choose them for adornment. She has to consider herself a slave with those rings. I think the rings were a masterstroke."
"Just a minute Honey. Let me get these straps lose and you can look in the mirror on the wall to your right." She took all the straps off me and I sat up. I felt all the new metal moving in my most sensitive areas. I stood, shakily. I was still shackled and all the new movement in my body made me unbalanced. Melody saw my plight and took hold of my upper arm. She steered me toward the wall. I let her lead me, grateful for her steadying arm. Then I saw my reflection in the mirror. It didn't look at all like me. I knew what I looked like. I was OK, I guess. But the girl in the mirror was gorgeous. Her rings shone in the light. Her breasts were high and firm with erect rosy nipples and pierced by those huge gold rings. She was the most sexy and erotic creature I had ever imagined. She wore her chains with distinction. Their graceful lines enhanced rather than shamed. I watched the creature in the reflection smile. I realized I was smiling. I could have stood there the rest of the day, but I was also impatient to go ahead.
I turned to Melody, "Melody, thank you for giving me these rings. They are beautiful. Now I need to go on. What's next?"
She took my leash and led me to the other end of the shop where Stan was working on Emily.
I saw Emily standing beside the workbench and focused on her. She no longer wore the leather collar nor locking handcuffs and leg cuffs like me. The was smiling at Stan and talking to him. She had a tall silver collar on her neck with a chain fastening her to the workbench. Her leg cuffs replaced with silver bands like her collar, joined by a short chain. Her wrists wore similar bands, but not joined by a chain. She had a similar silver band tight around her waist. My cuffs looked utilitarian, convenient, temporary. Emily's looked elegant and so permanent. I wished I had had those on her at home.
As we walked up, me clattering. Stan turned to us and said, "Ah, just in time." He fastened Emily's hands together and attached them to the rear of her waist band. He unlocked her tether from the workbench and handed it to Melody. He took my leash from Emily's hand and said, "lets get to work." He led me close to the workbench and tied my leash to a ring.
Stan looked at me and said, "Those rings look wonderful on you, Denise. Sit on that stool and lift your legs up here," pointing to the bench. He removed my leg cuffs and set them aside, next to what I assumed were Emily's. He tried a couple of anklets on me
until he found a set that fit. A chain, maybe fourteen inches long, joined them. They were rather elegant in their shining simplicity. They looked refined and stylish like a Scandinavian designer had made them for me.
In a short time, Stan had somehow made them secure on my ankles and he had me stand. They were snug, implacable, and elegant. I could see no joint, no lock , no hinge. They appeared to be a single, continuous band of metal. They were smooth, shiny, and there was no keyhole. I loved them. Yes, I could no longer run or kick, but I had not done that for ten years, anyway. They took nothing from me. They looked like unusual jewelry, but what they added was subjugation. Anyone who saw me would know I was not free. Well, I wasn't, for a year, at least. At most, who knew.
In a little while, Stan had me chained like Emily. I wore a tall metal collar, and bands around my wrists and belly. The waist band was tight, like a corset. All the others were just snug. It had a fixed staple in front and back holding steel rings. There were several more fasteners around its circumference, folded down, into the band. They could be stood up if our masters wanted to lock something there. I could detect no hinges, locks, or keyholes in any of my bands. They looked both elegant and permanent. Stan was an artist. Stan locked my wrists to the back of my waist band and unlocked my tether from the bench. He led me to where Melody was finishing with Emily.
Emily stood up from the and looked at me. Her eyes were wide, in shock. I stared at her too. She said, "Denise, you look like why the riot started. Do I look as good?"
I replied, "Emily, you are stunning. Beautiful, helpless as hell, and twice as erotic. We need to find us some men. Oh yes, we're slaves now. They will have to find us."
Emily laughed and said, "I hope its soon."
Stan smiled and said, "Emily, you're part of my payment. come with me," and took hold of the chain dangling from her collar.
Melody and said, "You are mine now, Denise," and taking hold of my chain, led me to the back of the shop.
She took me to a small apartment at the end of the shop. I could see a kitchen, bath, and bedroom off the main room. She led me to a couch and used the chain from my collar to lock my ankles to a couch leg. She said, "Kneel there," pointing to a spot.
I knelt and she lifted her skirt up. She was not wearing anything under the shirt and was shaved. She had a tattoo in fancy lettering that said, "Take me, I'm yours." I said, under my breath, "No, I'm yours."
Melody took hold of my nose ring and pulled me to her loins. She smelled clean and fresh. She left her finger through my ring. Boy, did I feel helpless. I loved it. She held the ring right up against her skin. just above her slit. I started licking her lips. I am experienced with bringing a woman to climax. I am small and submissive, so these roles come to me all the time. I think there is nothing better than acting submissive, because it is what I am. I realized during high school that I was a natural slave. I identified with all the subjugated women I read about in history and novels. I couldn't imagine a better life than belonging to a strong master or mistress. I knew myself well and soon the other girls in my classes learned too. I was always ordered to do dirty, demeaning tasks and I loved doing them. Oh, I didn't like the work itself. That stank. But I wanted so much to hear, "Good Girl," that I would obey any command.
That was the story of my video career too. I wanted to be used, ordered, commanded. I looked for roles that made me a sex toy. I loved being taken any way, but I was a fucking expert with oral sex, anal sex, complete helplessness. I was so hot in those scenes, I would come soon and often. All the directors loved my heat. Of course I did too.
I started slow with her, just licking her labia lips. Soon she began moaning and I sped up. I felt her lips becoming engorged and starting to spread apart for me. I sped up a little more and thrust my tongue between the lips. I tasted her love juices. I loved that taste. Like sweet, thin honey. I started sucking and her moans turned to gasps. When I thought she was ready, I took her hard nub into my mouth and sucked hard. She exploded, flooding my mouth with her love juices and screaming. I sucked in everything I could, thinking I was going to gain weight this way. As she relaxed, I stopped licking and sucking. I used my tongue as best I could to clean up around me. Melody still held my nose ring against her body so I was trapped. I waited until she pushed my head upright. She now held my nose ring clasped in her hand.
She said, "Denise, you are amazing. I don't want to let you go. I hope your master lets me use you again."
I said, "Thank you, mistress. I hope so, too."
Stan took Emily to his end of the shop. When they approached the workbench, he said, "Do you like your trinkets, Emily?"
I replied, "Yes Master, they are beautiful." I sank to my knees in front of him and put my face against his bulging erection. I said, "Master, may I show you my thanks for the beauty you have given me?"
He grinned, and said," My pleasure. let me help you since your hands are 'tied up.'" He opened his fly and took out his erect penis.
I looked at it in awe. It was long and thick. It would pose a challenge for me to take it all in, but I was determined to try. "Master" I said, you have a grand penis. I will try and do it justice." I started licking the tip, tasting the salty, sweet pre-cum. It was a taste I loved, so masculine and full of promise. I took the end in my mouth and sucked in several inches, preparing my mouth and throat for the whole thing. I moved my head in and out, going deeper each time. I felt it grow even larger. I wanted it in my belly. This was a waste. I wanted a climax from this artist.
I couldn't stop. I knew if I kept on like this, I would shortly receive his whole load, and I wanted it. My pussy was screaming in my brain, 'NO. I WANT IT.' I had never had this happen before. I kept on thrusting and sucking because I didn't want to stop. But I wanted to stop and have him fuck my pussy instead. I knew I could only have one, but I wanted both. Damn it. At last, he came. I managed to swallow it all. It was wonderful, but almost too much for me to handle. I wished again it was in my pussy, but there was nothing I could do. I was helpless, and heaven help me, I loved it.
I licked him clean, swallowing it all. He wiped my nose for me. I was crying and he said, "Was it bad?"
I sobbed again, and said, "Oh, No, Master. It was wonderful. I loved giving you pleasure. I am just so happy. I am glad you put such beautiful metal on me and made me so helpless. I hope you can fuck me hard some day."
"I hope so, too, Emily," he said.
Master Harold collected Denise and me and led us back to the house. I realized I was quite hungry and hoped a meal was forthcoming.
"Well, did you get some good film," I asked my recording tech, Ronnie?
"Yeah. Both those girls are great on camera. It helps they aren't aware of it. A natural reaction. Pretty girls. How long do they have to wear those chains?" Ronnie replied.
"They can leave whenever they want. I hope they last the whole year. When will you have a finished cut to review?" I asked.
"Two days, tops. You know with continual filming like you have here, I'm gonna need help," Ronnie said.
"I thought you might. Know anybody good I can hire?" I asked. I wanted someone who could work with Ronnie and not compete.
"Maybe. I'll call and see if he's interested. Same terms as me?" he asked.
"Yep. One hundred K a year plus two percent of net."
Chapter 5 - Routines
Inside the house, in the entrance hall there was a large oak cabinet. It was tall, wide, and deep. It had two full length doors hinged on the sides. There was a small keyhole on both doors. They were ajar. Harold stopped us in front of it and opened both doors wide. There were two drawers at the bottom on each side, several shelves and a hanger space above. There were four hangers on each side.
Master Harold said, "here is where you will put your things. You will wear no clothes in the house. If you are wearing anything when you come in, put it all in here and shut the door. It will lock. The left side is for you, Denise, the other is for you, Emily. The bottom draw
er is not yours. It contains locks and chains and other bondage gear. Look for a note in this holder when you open your door." He indicated a plastic sleeve on the inside of the door. He continued, " If one is there, follow its instructions. It may tell you to use the gear in the bottom drawer."
He closed the doors and led them toward the living room, but stopped just before the entrance. He pointed down at the floor. There were two recessed rings set flush into the wood floor. He said, Denise, this ring on the left is yours, Emily this one is yours. If you are in the house without orders, come here. Get a chain and two locks from the cabinet's drawer and fasten yourself here. You may use a cushion from the living room . Kneel on the cushion and wait. Both of you do it now."
I went to the cabinet, opened the drawer on my side and took a lock out. Denise was following my lead. She must be even more submissive than I. I closed the drawer, went in the living room. There were several large cushions on the couches. I selected one that looked soft and returned to Master Harold. I placed the cushion next to my ring and locked my chain to it. Denise followed suit.
Master Harold said, "Good. Face the front door. Now, your posture. Spread your knees wide. Wider. Wider. OK, Now arch your back and thrust your breasts out. Farther. Hold your head high. You are proud to be slaves. OK, good. Now without moving your head, cast your eyes down at the floor. OK, this is your only kneeling position. Learn it." He walked away.
Denise and I were about six feet apart, facing the door. Master Harold had walked down a hall to our left. I whispered to Denise, "I'm starving. I hope dinner is soon."
Denise whispered back, "what if they think we need to lose a few pounds?"
I replied, We're too thin already. I'm sure they will feed us."