Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Read online
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I inched back up to a standing position, turned around and lowered myself. I kept my breast in contact with the wall. I slid down until I was on my knees. I hadn't felt the ring yet. I slid my breasts around on the wall. I thought, I must look like I have an itch if anyone is watching. There, a bell had clanged against a ring. I moved over on my knees and felt around with my left breast. Found it. I put my nipple in light contact with the wall and slid horizontal until I heard the spring touch the ring. I leaned hard and squished the nipple into the wall. I slid a little more. I felt a tug. OK. I steeled myself for pain, but I could imagine my relief when the clamp popped off. I pulled. I felt my nipple being pulled. I increased my pull. More pain. Then a click. Click? I increased my pull. The pain increased but nothing else. I pulled even harder. My pain skyrocketed. The damn clamp wouldn't let go. I felt like I was fighting a live, malignant foe. I yanked at my nipple. I almost fainted the pain was so great. I couldn't do it. I moved the other way. Maybe I would have better luck with the other clamp. I felt the ring under my breast as I moved back to free my nipple. Wait. My nipple was being pulled the other way. The bell was stuck under the ring. Oh, No. I yanked hard. More pain but it didn't come loose. I tried lifting my breast higher. Nothing. Lower. Nothing.
Interesting day indeed. All my painful struggles had accomplished was to lock my left nipple to a wall ring. That' just great. Won't Elinor be happy to see what I've done. I arranged myself as comfortably as possible and felt sorry for myself.
I felt guilty for trying to remove the clamp my mistress had put on me. It was her decision whether to punish me. It did not matter whether I deserved the punishment. I could be given pain or humiliation or anything else when it pleased my master. I knew this. I understood it for a long time. I even liked the implacability of my master's wishes. This must be what religious true believers feel. Joy in the omnipotence of their god. Kneeling, linked to a wall by my nipple, unable to move or see. I now understood and accepted that my masters will was my law. I would obey with joy what my master, my God, wished. I would never again try to evade, avoid, or mitigate any punishment. I had been broken. I was no longer human. I was an obedient slave.
Over the next hours the pain in my nipples receded to a dull ache. I had a lot of time to think. But I didn't much. I drifted in a fog. I hurt, but that did not bother me. I couldn't move, but that was right for me. I was aroused and wanted my master. I couldn't see or speak, but that was OK. There was nothing I wanted to say or see. All I wanted now was my master. Even that was not strong. I knew my master loved me and would come when he was ready. I thought of Elinor. She was my daughter, yes, but now she was an agent of my master. Her voice was his command. I wanted to be a good slave. I wanted my master to be proud of me.
I heard the door open. My master's voice. He said, "What have you done slave? He sounded curious, not angry. I felt strong fingers on my nipple. He released me and I straightened up to a kneeling position. I opened my knees wide and arched my back. I hoped he would give me an orgasm. I had not come for several days now and my arousal was gigantic. I couldn't think. I could hardly move. This morning I had missed the pail with me pee and had to clean it up with my tongue. Mistress is strict with me.
"Those are strong clamps slave. Are you being punished?"
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't speak. I did not know why Elinor put the clamps on me except she wanted to punish me. I did not know if I had done anything to earn them. I decided to nod my head since I was sure they were intended to punish me. I just did not know what for. I nodded.
He removed my gag. I croaked, "Thank you, Master.
He held a water bottle to my lips and said, "Drink."
I did.
"Why are you being punished?" he asked.
"Master, I do not know. Mistress Elinor put them on me this morning. I am not aware of any misbehavior on my part recently. I believe she is still punishing me for being a bad mother."
"Stand up. Display yourself."
I stood and spread my feet and knees. I arched my back and thrust my breasts out. I bowed my head.
Master lifted my breasts one at a time and moved the nipple around. "The color and blood flow in your nipples is good. The clamps are not damaging you We'll leave them on since you do deserve punishment.. Kneel. Do not attempt to remove the clamps again. You will wear them until one of us decide to remove them. Clear?"
"Yes, Master. Thank you for releasing me. I remembered he was a doctor and knew what he was talking about. My voice was higher than normal. I was hot. I wanted him in me so bad. Needy pussy. I was sopping wet. He had touched my breasts and my arousal skyrocketed. My love juices were running down my thighs. I wanted to pleasure him. It was torture being so close to him. I resisted the urge to lean forward and rub against him. "Master, may I speak?"
"Yes, Sadie. What is it."
"Master, may I service you. It has been a long time."
"Not now, Sadie. I have to go. Maybe tonight." He patted my head and left. I heard the door close and lock.
I knelt there for a long time. I was still quite aroused. In a rare rational moment I wondered why a pat on the head and a vague "Maybe tonight" was so moving. The surge of love and contentment left me speechless. My heart was racing, my breath was rapid and shallow. My loins ached. This must be love. It couldn't be normal. I was hooded, chained, ringed and my nipples still hurt. In spite of those trifles, I felt wonderful. I would treasure the memory of that pat on the head for a long time. I knew I was his slave. I would try my best to earn his trust and love.
I was alone again in my dark silence. I had neither night or day. I was told when to sleep, but never knew the time. My immobile hands grasped the chain falling from my collar. The only things they could touch besides a small area above my ass crack. The links were smooth and far heavier than needed to restrain me. My solitary cell and the chain on my neck were obviously punishment. Elinor and my master were mad at me. I deserved it. My nakedness was merely practical. Nudity made us accessible, permitted waste elimination, and made secrets impractical.
My mistress jingled merrily to my cell and entered. I knelt for her. It was good to not be alone.
"So you weren't able to get them off. I know you tried, you bad girl. What happened?"
"Mistress, I thought you wanted me to try and remove them. I am sorry if that is not what you intended. They are causing me much pain."
"Were you able to come, slut?"
"No, Mistress. You aroused me and they also aroused me. I am still aroused, But I was not able to come."
"Good. You have not yet earned the right to such pleasure. Would you like me to remove them slave?"
"Oh, yes, Mistress. They are painful."
"What will you do for me if I remove them?"
"Mistress, I will do anything I can. Would you like me to service you. I would love to give you pleasure."
"Beg for it, slave."
"My beautiful, magnificent Mistress, please allow me to pleasure you. I will give you the best orgasm you have ever had. Please, Please, Mistress."
"You would lick and nibble your own daughter's cunt? What a depraved person you are. Why should I let you do that?"
"You are first my Mistress. I have given myself to be a slave. I feel intense pleasure when I submit to your will. I will be the most enthusiastic whore on the planet to please you. I love your smell, your taste. You will feel such pleasure as makes your mind soar and your body swoon. I promise you."
"You make it sound enjoyable. Your body is a delight. I'll take it for ride and then see if you can live up to your boast. If you give me a tenth of the pleasure you have promised then I will take those charms from your nipples. Stand up and bend over, slave."
I stood up and bent over, my breasts swaying below me and the bells ringing cheerfully through the pain. I felt her remove my butt plug. then smear more lubricant in and around my anus. She held my locked wrists and pushed something soft and flexible against my anus. She kept pushing and I felt it sl
ide into me. I felt a rush in my pussy. The invader moved in and out, rhythmically. I was getting fucked in my ass by my daughter and I could not stop it. I was more ashamed than I should have been. It wasn't my fault. I wondered if we had an audience? My pussy spasmed again. I was being aroused by my daughter. My God, how low have I sunk? My nipple bells were ringing with the thrusts. My nipples were pulsing and hurt more as they were pulled back and forth by the bells. I was moaning with each swing of my breasts. The phallus, I assume, left my hole and didn't return. I gasped. I was so close to coming. I moaned "Please, Mistress, just a little more, please. "
"Kneel, slave. Silence. Punishment position." Sobbing, I knelt and lowered my head to the floor. I raised my ass as high as I could. Three fiery stripes scorched my thighs. I gasped as they seared my flesh. I forced myself to remain silent. I would have felt so good to scream.
"Only your masters decide what you will feel. You may not speak without permission. You are a Bad Girl. Kneel and service your mistress."
I knelt and said, "Yes, Mistress, I'm sorry, Mistress." I felt her bush against my lips. I licked and kissed and sucked as hard as I could. She started to ooze her love juices. They were so sweet and womanly. I loved my mistress, my daughter so much. Her pussy lips grew fuller and opened for me. I thrust my tongue deep and licked as hard and as fast as I could. I sucked all her juice into me and savored the taste of my mistress. Her breathing grew faster. I heard her moan and she thrust her loins hard into my face. I knew she was near. I slowed my licking, knowing that pleasure delayed is pleasure increased. I heard her breathing speed up. I sucked her rock hard nub into my mouth and sucked and licked it hard. She orgasmed with a scream of pleasure. I kept licking up her juices. drinking deeply of this demanding young woman. She swayed and I feared she would fall, but she caught herself. She straightened up and backed away from me. I spat out a few hairs I had harvested from her luxuriant bush.
"Wow, that was great, mom. You delivered on your promise. That was even better than Emily. You held out on me. Why didn't you ever do that for me before? Never mind. You can make it up to me by doing it from now on. Now I will fulfill my end of the bargain. Hold still."
I felt her grasp my left nipple. She gradually squeezed the clamp open and took it off me. The pain of returning blood flow was excruciating. Almost as bad as when it was put on me. I squealed. She rubbed my nipple between her fingers. It hurt at first then became soothing and finally, arousing. I felt my nipple harden. She stopped rubbing and released me.
"You are sure horny, mom."
She repeated her performance on my right breast. In a few minutes I had recovered. My nipples were rock hard and ached. I longed to have my hand free to rub them. Oh well. I was so, so horny. I needed my master so much. I heard an unfamiliar noise. I finally realized I was whining like a lonely puppy.
I knelt in my stygian blackness, wondering at my fate. I knew I deserved all that had happened to me. I reveled in the mixture of pain and joy I felt. I endured my existence because I must. I had no choice. I was helpless and in the complete control of others. I did not care. I was learning patience and humility. My pain was now not of the tortures imposed on me, but self imposed agony of need. I was desperate for orgasm. My body was superheated. I needed to reach release, but was impotent. Only my master and mistress could release me from my bonds and my need. I knew I would never again be free from my dependence. Even if my limbs were freed, my dependence on their approval was eternal. I would obey them forevermore with joy in my heart.
A wisp of discordant feeling insinuated itself in my consciousness. I was hungry. My mistress had not fed me and my body felt empty. I could only wait and hope I would be fed.
Chapter 12 - Family Pet
When I returned home I found Elinor kneeling at her low table in the living room. She had a school book open.
"Greetings, Master," she said cheerfully.
"Hi, Apprentice slave. I'm glad to see you are doing schoolwork. How's the other slave doing?"
"Master, Harold promised me many stripes if I do not get an 'A' in every class. I think the threat of the whip is making me a responsible student. And mom is doing just fine. She is quite humble and respectful. She hated the nipple clamps and she gave me a wonderful orgasm. I hate to say it, but she may be ready to get out of the doghouse."
"Ellie, I guess we could try it and see if she reverts. But the term 'doghouse' just gave me an idea. Would you agree that home is improved by a friendly dog?"
"I guess so, Master. Mom would not let us get a dog. She said they shed all over everything. I have friends with dogs and I liked them. Are you thinking of getting a dog? What kind?"
"Well, the kind I was thinking of is long haired, but doesn't shed. It is intelligent and friendly. It never chases cats or squirrels and it is friendly. As a matter of fact, there is one in our doghouse right now."
"You mean, make mom into a family dog? I love it. we can put a kennel for her in the living room. We can think up all sorts of interesting games to play with her, too."
"I'll talk to Harold and see if he can scare up the equipment."
"Great master. Please ask him to hurry. I can't wait to take her on walks and show her off."
I heard Elinor's jingling ankle chains approaching so I knelt.
Elinor came into the cell. She said, "Evening. mother. Comfortable?"
"Yes, Mistress. May I ask a question?"
"No, I'm afraid not. Slaves may not ask questions. But I know what you were going to ask so I will lay a tiny piece of knowledge upon you. No, I did not forget to feed you at noon. We want you to lose weight so you will only be fed twice a day. I have brought your second meal.."
I heard the double bowl placed in front of me. "Feed."
I lapped up some water then gobbled down my meal. It was good, but I got a morsel caught on my nose ring and couldn't dislodge it.
Lift your head" She removed the bit of food from my nose ring. "Continue."
I lowered my head and finished my meal.
"Stand up and bend over."
She removed my butt plug and told me to use the pail. I did while she washed the plug. Then she reinserted it. I suspected this was a larger plug from its feel. Mistress, may I speak, please?"
"All right."
"Mistress, I enjoy your visits a lot. May we speak more to each other sometimes?"
" Mother, I have been angry with you. I am pretty much over that now. As long as you remember that our roles have reversed and you are my property, We can talk."
"Mistress, I can never forget that I am yours now. I would not have requested this a while ago, but I find I love you more than ever and only want to obey you and my master."
"I'm touched. After all I have done to you, you love me? How is that possible?"
Girls are foolish, Mistress. It seems that those who hurt me the most are the ones I want to serve. Part of it is I know I deserved everything. I think the punishment and my reduced status have erased a lot of my guilt and self hatred. I can't hate myself any more. I am filled to the brim with love and obedience. I want out of here, but only so I can serve my master. I'm of no use to him in here."
"Mom, I'm glad you have adjusted so well. I can tell you that there is a change in your situation coming soon. At least the hood will be removed from you. I have to go now. I'm learning to cook and I have a soufflé in the oven. See ya. Chin up."
She left me with hopes of a better day coming soon.
I waited for my Goddess. She came and went. I was fed and allowed to empty myself in the pail. more endless cycles of eat, crap, wait, sleep. Over and over. I remembered nothing. I was unable to do anything. I wanted to serve my master. My whippings for punishment continued. I rarely was corrected for mistakes. I had learned to be humble. Submissive. I was so broken. I waited for my punishment to end. I hoped it would end. I knew it didn't have to end. I could be kept here in this endless night forever.
In a few hours, when I was thinking of sleep,
Master opened the cell door and came to me.
"Stand up."
I stood and he took hold of my upper arm and said, come with me. He led me around a few turns on carpeted floor and stopped. I felt him unlock the straps holding my hood in place. He peeled it off my face.
"Keep your eyes closed. You have not seen any light for quite a while. They need to adjust gradually."
"Yes, Master. Thank you letting me see again."
"You are welcome slave. I have wanted to see your face for a long time, too."
He put his hands around my head and kissed me. It was heavenly. Iparted my lips to allow him in. I wanted him in me everywhere.
He turned it into a hot, passionate kiss and I found my heat rising too.
Finally he released me and said, "Kneel and service me."
I did my best and soon found myself enjoying his seed. I gratefully swallowed it all. I licked him clean afterwards. He put his hand over my eyes and said, "I've turned off the bedroom lights. Open your eyes just a crack and see if the light hurts them."
I looked through slitted eyes onto a large dimly lit bedroom. I said, they are good. I can see and they don't hurt."
"Good, sit on the edge of the bed." He locked a short chain from the headboard to my collar. Then he unlocked the track chain from me and slid it back by the door. He put my feet on the bed and locked another chain from the foot board to my ankle chain.
I was secured to the bed. My hands still locked behind me, but I was used to that. The bed felt so soft and cozy. But The important fact was that master had allowed me in his bed!