Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Page 9
I was laying on y back on top of my immovable hands. I saw that that raised my loins up and made it easier for a male to use me. I still wore the chastity belt, but master had the key.
Master undressed and went into the bathroom briefly. Then he climbed into bed. He was wearing only underwear and I expected to lose my chastity belt soon. He surprised me. He lay beside me and played with my nipple rings until I was sopping. He kissed me, said "roll over and face away from me." He helped me since I was fastened head and foot to the bed. What he did next astounded me. He unlocked my hands. I could move my hands. They were free. I rolled back on to my back and looked at his smiling face. Tears were streaming down my face and blinding me. I was so happy. I just moved my hands randomly over my body. I was re-familiarizing myself to the feel of the planes and curves of my body. I ran my fingers over the smooth waistband that once was so tight I couldn't breathe and now was so much a part of me. I felt my collar and ran my fingers over my engraved name. I fondled the rings on it. I played with my nipple rings and loved how I could send thrills through my loins just by twisting them. I reached for the face of my master and pulled our lips together. I played with his ears and hair as we kissed. I could do so much with my hands free. So much that had been denied me for so long. It was almost as good as regaining my sight.
My master said, "What are you, Sadie?"
"I answered truthfully for a slave may not be untruthful with her master. "Master, I am your slave. I am utterly submissive to you. I am blinded by your glory. I am yours to do with as you please. I am your pleasure slave for as long as I live. I am unfulfilled unless I am serving you. I have no meaning unless I am at your feet."
"Sadie, you know one day I will set you free. After you have concluded your penance for your actions."
"Master, I will never repay you and Elinor. I do not want to leave you. If you decide to free me, I will remain at your feet. I will always be your slave. I will always obey you. I will always love you. Would you take me now. I need you inside me."
"No. Always remember you are my property. You are here to give me pleasure. I am not her to give you pleasure. I want you to be needy. Sometimes I will give you an orgasm. But only as a reward. You must earn it. You have already pleasured me tonight. That is enough. Now roll over, face away from me. It is late and I worked hard today. Go to sleep."
"Yes, master." I rolled over. It was so much easier with hands. I didn't know what to do with my hands. I tried several positions but none were comfortable. I felt master's arms around me. I felt safe and secure.
"Enough. Put your hands behind you."
Chagrined, I did and he locked them back in place. "Thank you master."
"Go to sleep. "
My hands were comfortable now. I fell asleep.
I awoke refreshed. Master unlocked me from the bed, put me back on the track chain and freed my hands. "Go take a shower and wash your hair. Everything you'll need is in the bath. I took my time lathering my hair and rinsing it. It was dirty from my long confinement. I gloried in the use of my hands, so long denied me. I fondled everything with delight. It was if I had never felt the texture of soap, or plastic, or everything. I washed every dirty inch of my body from the inside of my ears to the soles of my feet.
When I was dry, I polished all my metalwork until it shone.
When I finished he locked my hands back behind me and took me to the kitchen. I ate on the floor, my nose ring fastened to a short chain from a low wall ring in the corner. I could see my bowl and two walls. Master and Elinor ate at a counter behind me. After breakfast, Elinor removed my butt plug. I was taken outside to a newly dug hole in the garden and told to do my business in it. I obeyed. Then I was instructed to use my foot and scrape enough dirt back into the hole to cover my droppings.
Master put leashes on both Elinor and my nose rings and took us to the main house. He gave our leashes to Harold and left. Harold took us into the exercise room and handed us off to Muriel.
I was being inserted into the normal slave's routine. I met all the girls in exercise class. Now there were seven of us: Emily, Denise, Muriel, Angela, Jean, Elinor and me, Sadie. Muriel worked us hard for an hour. Then Emily, Denise, Muriel, and Elinor went to 'school' whatever that meant. The rest of us cleaned and dusted. We were always locked to something with long chains we drug behind us. I had to keep working while the others had lunch. After lunch we were all chained together by the neck. I was told this was a coffle. We were taken into the garden. We weeded under the direction of the gardener, a tough woman with a mean whip hand. I didn't learn her name.
Harold hosed us down and gave us towels to dry off. He left Jean and Angela chained to rings just inside the front door. He locked Elinor and my hands behind us, put our nose leashes on and took us to Master Sam's home. He locked us both to track chains and unlocked Elinor's hands. Then he left us there.
Elinor took the leash off her nose ring. She used my leash to take me over to the kitchen wall and locked my left nipple ring to a handy ring. That house had rings on every surface.
She got a package off the kitchen counter and opened it. She came to me and strapped thick knee pads on my legs. She unlocked my hands and said, "Give me your right hand." She shoved my hand into a stiff, flat glove. It said PAW on the back. It had a ring she locked to my wrist cuff. She did the same to my left hand. I looked at my hands. The glove was tight and I couldn't bend my fingers or thumb. It seemed to have once been a tire. It was rubber laced with layers of threads. I was definitely waterproof. I could see my fingernails through holes in the back of the glove. My hands were useless for grasping anything. like a dog's paws. I didn't like where this was going. She released my nipple ring from the wall and led me back to the counter. She picked up a short chain with a snap hook on both ends. She clipped one end to the rear ring on my waistband. "Kneel," she said. I knelt and she clipped the other end of the chain to my ankle chain. Now I couldn't stand or unbend my legs.
"Get on your hands and knees. Its practice time. " Elinor led me all through the house by my nose leash. She encouraged me to go faster with vicious little whip stripes on my ass.
Master came in the front door. He had a brown paper bag in his hands. Elinor led me to him and I licked his feet, just like a puppy glad to see her master. That pretty much describes me. I didn't have a thought in my head except joy that he was home.
Stay here, girls. I have a present for Sadie.. He returned and removed my butt plug, smeared more lube on and in my asshole and stuck something in it. It waggled when I moved.
Elinor said, Master, that's great. It looks just like a dog's tail. Where did you get it?"
"At a bondage shop in the valley. They have a lot of pet play things. Let's take a walk. "
He unlocked both Elinor and I from the track chains. He locked a chain from Elinor's wrist to my collar. He removed my leash and put it in a pocket. He opened the front door and said, "Elinor take Sadie out to the garden and left her do her business." He watched as my daughter and mistress led me to the garden on my hands and knees to squat and pee in front of the world. Before my dark sojourn I would have been horrified at eliminating in the open for fear someone would see me. As I was doing my business, I enjoyed the fresh air and the beautiful garden. I saw my master and Elinor watching me and felt only joy that was their property . I was grateful for the chance to obey. How thoroughly I was broken. The joy I felt made it all worth it. I was going to be the best slave girl ever. When I had finished and Elinor took me back to the door, Master said, "bring her back in for a sec." Inside, Master said, "Kneel." I did, and somewhat unexpectedly, Elinor knelt beside me. That was right. He hadn't said who and we both were right to assume he meant both of us. Master clipped a bell on all four of our nipple rings and said, "this will sound better. Now let's take that walk."
Master walked slow enough for me to keep up since I was new at this four footed business. H led the way with Elinor beside him and me beside her. Just like a new puppy on a leash. It didn't matter to me. I was so t
hankful to be out of that hood and able to move my arms. I was enjoying the beauty and fragrances of the garden. We passed the gardener who commented to master on his pretty new doggie and young slave. I should have been chagrined for a 'normal' woman to see me like this. I wasn't. It was too nice to be out in the open with my beloved master and mistress. I wouldn't mind him walking me down Broadway. I was secure in my master's love.
My wagging tail was a distraction at first, but I realized how appropriate it was. It was showing the world how happy I was being walked by my master. It really didn't matter if I was lower than a human. All that mattered was that I was with my master.
After dinner Master took Elinor and me into the living room. He settled me on all fours in front of him on the couch and rested his legs on my back. He watched the news and some political talk show on TV. I couldn't see any of it and the words just zipped unconcerned over my head. My concentration was centered on master. I was ultra sensitive to his breathing and movements. I needed to be ready to respond to orders instantly.
His cell phone chimed and he answered it. After a brief conversation he stood up, and took hold of my track chain. He used it as a leash and led me behind the couch. There was a cage waiting for me. Its door was open and it was tiny. The door was in two parts, a left and right half door. Both doors had a semi circular cutout. The top of the cage was upholstered in black leather. He said, "turn around and back in. When my feet were against the rear bars, my head stuck out. I thought it was too small for me. But master closed both doors at the same time. My neck was trapped between the two semi circles. When both doors were closed he locked them, top and bottom. My body was locked in the cage but my head and the track chain was held outside, trapped in place. He said, "if you need to pee, ring your nipple bells and Ellie will take care of you." He walked out of the room, turning off the TV. I heard him say, "Ellie, Sadie's in her cage. If she needs to pee I told her to ring her nipple bells. I have to go out. I shouldn't be too long. Bye."
Ellie said, "Goodbye, Master. I will watch Sadie."
Later, I heard Elinor moving. Her sound, like mine, was quite distinctive. Her nipple bells tinkled sound while her ankle chains jingled and her track chain was almost a clank. She entered the living room and came to my cage.
"Wow, mom, you barely fit in there. Well, I guess you don't fit since your head is outside. How are you? By the way, i give you permission to speak freely."
"Thank you, Mistress, I am good. After the hood, this is heaven. I can see, even if I can't move much. It is a world of difference. Would you like me to service you? If you squat down here in front of me, I think I can manage."
"No, mom. Remember, Master put a chastity belt on me, too. ""Oh. yeah. Its not fair. For sex slaves he doesn't let us get much."
"Mom, I think we're supposed to give sex. We only get it when we earn it."
"Right. Like I said not fair. I don't know what I have to do to earn it."
"Mother, from a few remarks I heard, I think Master wants to keep you needy. He says you are more enjoyable when you're in need."
"I wish he were here right now. He'd enjoy me."
"Mother do you realize we're talking like a couple of slaves in an ancient harem. And you are treating me as your mistress. Every woman should spend a month chained in a hood. You are much easier to talk to now than before."
"Mistress, I learned I am a submissive and fortunate enough to have a man give me just what I need. I have come to terms with helplessness. I am in a good place now. I love to obey you, master, anyone. I never want to be responsible again. If I obey completely, I am a happy, pampered animal. I am a natural slave and thank you for showing me that truth. If you want to make your master happy, reach through the bars and arouse me. I will be needy for him when he returns."
"Gosh, mom, you just asked your daughter to play with your girl parts. That is amazing. Before we came here you would have never asked that and would have slapped me for mentioning it. I like you a lot better as my slave. Its lots more fun."
I felt Elinor's hand grab my breast. She squeezed me and swung it back and forth, making my bells ring. I became aroused. Soon I was moaning and my belly was heaving. She lay on top of the cage and soon both my breasts were being groped. She grabbed both nipple rings and pulled and twisted. I was so close. I heard my moans getting louder. I felt like I would orgasm in one more pull. She stopped. I cried, "Not yet, More, Please."
She stood up.
"OK mom, You're all warmed up. Free speech is over. Clear?"
"Yes, Mistress. Thank you for visiting me."
"Do you need a drink or to pee?"
"Both, Mistress, please. "
She held a water bottle to my lips and I drank. She opened my cage and drew me out by my chain. My ankle chain was linked to my waistband, so I couldn't stand. She took me to the laundry room and showed me a litter box.
"Mom, here is your new appliance. Cover when you are done. If there is any litter found outside the box, you get whipped. Be careful."
She watched as I backed over it and squatted. Not so easy when your ankles are close chained. I crawled forward and turned around. I used one of my paws to scrape litter over the wet spot. I made sure all the litter was off my paw before turning around again.
"Thank you, Mistress."
She put me back in my cage and left.
Sometime later Elinor came back and took me out of my cage.
"I have to go to bed, mom. I have orders to put you away."
She led me to the cell , locked my hands behind me, and locked me in. There was a thin mat on the floor.
I settled down to sleep. Master woke me and took me to his bedroom. He had me service him. He kissed me long and hard and locked me in the bed, head and foot. I slept soundly. It was better with my hands locked behind me.
The pecking order was firm. I was the house bitch and on the bottom. Elinor, my daughter, was above me and my mistress. She was my keeper when Master was absent. Both Elinor and I were slaves. Well she was an apprentice slave, which meant no sex with her. Both of us were locked to track chains in the house. She was free other than that. I had my hands in those paws and my feet held to my waistband so I had to crawl everywhere. Outside, I crawled and was on a leash. Ellie got to walk but her hands were locked behind her. She was always leashed too. Most days Ellie and I went to the main house for exercise and chores. During exercise my legs were unlocked so I could stand. My hands were fastened like the other girls. Behind us or free depending on the exercise. I had to wear the paws unless some chore requiring me to hold some tool was needed. I relished having the paws removed. If master was gone, Harold would take us back and forth between the houses.
When I'm in bitch mode, I get whipped for talking. No human speech allowed. Master tried many gags on me. The ball gag was first. Then I wore a ball gag with wiffle ball. in my mouth. Didn't help me talk, but the air flow was easier. Next was a bridle and bit. I liked that. I could mumble a few intelligible words and could drink water more easily. That was soon changed to a bit that had a metal piece in my mouth that held my tongue down. Uncomfortable. Next I got a complex bit with a spongy ball in my mouth. It held my tongue down too, but when someone pulled on the reins, the ball plugged my throat so I couldn't breathe. Truly scary. Master said that was an early training bit for pony girls. Not me, yet, anyway. Now I'm wearing a bridle strapped tight around my head. There's a gag that looks like a short dog's muzzle that clips on. I've been wearing that for a week or so. Not my favorite, but no one is asking me. I can see it sticking out in front of me. It has a phallus shaped part in my mouth. My nose ring rests on it.
I've had the paws locked on me almost continuously for a month. Elinor has taken over my grooming now. She locks my hands behind me and showers with me. Her hands do everything for both of us. It is a large shower without doors. I stay on hands and knees and she washes me and my hair. I stay in doggie mode almost all the time now except for exercise. I won't be surprised if that is replaced by someth
ing more dog like. I am becoming more proficient at four legged travel. I can almost keep up with Elinor now.
I am more needy than ever now. I am aroused every day, all day. I find myself subconsciously rubbing my crotch on things. I see why dogs like to hump people's legs. I sure want to. I'm always sopping wet. I'm afraid I'm going to mildew. Elinor pays close attention to my crotch when she washes me. She usually makes me kneel up and she sprays my chastity belt with hot water. Its heavenly. I could get off on that if it lasted longer.
I wear my paws almost all the time. Most of the time its a pleasure to be the pampered pet. After i eat, Mistress brushes my teeth. I sit up in front of her. She sits in a chair and uses an electric toothbrush on me. Then she brushes my hair and trims it if needed. Then she puts it into two ponytails so I look like a long haired puppy. Usually she walks me to the garden for my toilette. Master had a small sink installed at the back of the house where she washes my tail plug.
Once a week I get 'intensive grooming. Elinor locks my wrist cuffs to a special table master had made for me. I kneel facing the table with my wrist cuffs locked to it and mistress removes my paws and gives me a manicure. She is quite good. She paints my fingernails. When they are dry the paws go back on and locks my hands behind me. She releases my ankle chain from the waistband and I put my feet on the table. She gives me a pedicure and paints my toenails. When dry my ankle chain is fastened back to my waistband and I'm back in doggie mode. Finally we go into the shower and she shaves me, my bush, legs, and armpits. Sometimes she changes my hair color. I don't think I should have given her so many dolls when she was young. I think she enjoys her control over me quite a lot. Its OK. I love her taking such good care of me.
Evenings are the best time. Master and mistress will watch a movie, or sports or the news. I get petted and aroused a lot. Its wonderful . Before bed, Master will lock my hands behind me. I will lay on the couch and put my head in Master's lap. He removes my chastity belt and mistress plays with my pussy. She mostly uses her fingers to masturbate me until I'm panting. She tried a vibrator but I would be ready to climax so soon. Now she sometimes uses a big, soft dildo. A couple of times bananas or cucumbers were used. I think she likes using her fingers.