Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Read online

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  He started the video. It was just as he said. I watched three naked women being put in chains. I saw them pierced and rings put in their flesh. I watched them doing exercises. hiking chained together, and exercising. They seemed happy. They smiled a lot. They had sex with men, other women, themselves. They had the best orgasms I had ever seen If they were faked, it was excellent acting. It ended after 30 minutes.

  Chief Jones said, "All right. You have seen the show. Part of the show. I know you're into bdsm and consider yourself a sub. This is your chance to play a real sub . The site shows their lives as slaves. Everything they do is available. They get paid a good salary and receive royalties for their performances. So would you rather be one of those porn / bondage models or go to prison? Your only choices are to join the cast of this show or face the police. If you join the show, you will grant temporary custody of Elinor to Sam. You may not resign from the show until Sam agrees."

  Sadie thought for a moment and asked, "I play a sex slave for years and give up my daughter? No way. Even in jail, I can see her."

  "Mrs. Biery, Elinor may visit you on the set as often as Sam wants. Due to your crimes against Sam and Elinor, you will have no say in anything unless Sam allows it."

  Sam said, "Sadie, I intend for Elinor to see you often, whether you want it or not."

  Sadie asked, "How long will I have to play a slave?"

  Chief Jones said, "you committed several felonies." Your sentence would be at least ten years."

  "Ten years," Sadie exploded, "Elinor will be grown by then."

  Chief Jones said, " Ten years unless Sam wants it shortened. It will be up to him. Sam said Elinor will be with you often. She won't grow up without you. This is a much better deal than prison. What is your decision?"

  "Am I going to do hard work in the fields or sweatshop, or something else like the plantation slaves in the south?" Sadie asked.

  "No," the Chief said, "this will be more like a harem. Imagine some young women kept in palatial surroundings. They can't leave and must have sex with their owner and his people. You will be naked and chained, but otherwise comfortable. If you break the rules, you will be punished. It s more like an exclusive club than a prison, but you are the staff."

  Sadie thought about it but didn't see any way out. "OK, I'll play your slave. What about Elinor?"

  Elinor walked into the room. She had bandages on her head, arms, and legs. She looked battered. She was angry. "Mom," she said, "I heard what you wanted to do to Sam. I hurt from your attempt to use me against him. I don't like you right now. I'm not sure I want to see you for a while." She turned and left the room.

  Sam said, "Everything we do has consequences." He followed Elinor. Chief Jones said, Stand up Mrs. Biery and turn around."

  "But, she protested, I'm not dressed."

  "You will be covered for the trip."

  Sadie stood up and Chief Jones cuffed her hands behind her and fastened a short cape around her neck. He dropped a black bag over her head and tied the drawstring. He led her to the car.

  Sam walked behind Elinor to the kitchen. He reached a decision. "Elinor, I'm going to fix us a light lunch then we're going to go see you mother. I think it will do you good to help her start her penance and redemption."

  Elinor asked, "Penance, redemption. I thought she was going to be an actress. Isn't she going to get a role in a video?"

  "Yes, she most definitely is. But we all will forget this unpleasantness through her trials. Trust me. You will love to help her adjust and you may get a role too."

  "OK," she said, "What's for lunch? Can I help?"

  "Sure, how about a Caesar salad?"

  Chapter 3 - Chained Sub

  At the estate Chief Jones took Sadie to the room used for paperwork. He stripped her and cuffed her hands in front. He handed her over to Harold who had prepared the forms. She signed the same ones as Emily and the others except there was no time limit. She read all the rules of her performance out loud for the recording. She acknowledged she enjoyed pain as a punishment for infractions. She agreed to full time restraints. She agreed to perform sex acts as a part of her performance. She agreed she was a paid performer and would receive royalties.

  Harold put cuffs on her wrists and ankles and took her to the workshop. He introduced her to Stan and Melody and said only that they would be outfitting her.

  Harold gave her to Stan and said, "new slave. Give her everything, Stan." He walked away talking to Melody.

  Stan looked at me and said, "sit on that stool and lift your legs up here," pointing to the bench. He removed my leg cuffs and set them aside. He tried a couple of anklets on me until he found a set that fit. A chain, maybe fourteen inches long, joined them. They were rather elegant in their shining simplicity. There were no dangling locks or bulky hinges. They looked like costly jewelry.

  In a short time, Stan had fastened them on my ankles and he had me stand. They were snug, implacable, and elegant. I could see no joint, no lock , no hinge. They appeared to be a single, continuous band of metal. They were smooth, shiny, and there was no keyhole. They were lovely in their own way, and implacable. Yes, I could no longer run or kick, but I had not done that for a long time, anyway. They took nothing from me. They looked like unusual jewelry, but what they added was subjugation. Anyone who saw me would know I was not free. Well, I wasn't, for many years, at least.

  When he had finished, my wrists, ankles and neck all bore metal bands. I saw no keyholes or hinges. All had attachment rings. My collar had several. A short chain joined the ankle bands. I could walk but the hobble snubbed my steps short. I definitely would not be running or kicking. A broader band constrained my waist, like a steel corset without laces. It was hard to breathe. It had eight equidistant rings. A padlock held my wrists to the rear ring.

  Stan took hold of my upper arm and steered me across the room to where Melody was standing. She had her arm resting on what looked like an old fashioned barber's chair. She said Honey, you look good. You've got a great rack, long legs, and a small waist. Everyone's going to love you when I'm done.

  "Melody, what, exactly are you going to do to me? Makeup?"

  Melody laughed and said, "Honey, I'm gonna pierce you and put some rings on you."

  "Oh. On my nipples? I've considered that for a while. I never had the courage to go through with it, though."

  Melody smiled broader and said, "Honey, I'm going to make your dream come true. Sit here," indicating the chair.

  I felt uncoordinated since my arms wouldn't move and I couldn't separate my feet. Just as they wanted me, I suppose. Melody strapped me down to the chair, spreading my knees far apart.

  She painted an orange liquid on both nipples then she pushed a big needle through my left nipple. It hurt a little, but not bad. She picked up a big ring from a tray and used it to push the needle back out and then the ring was the only thing in my nipple. It was open and she used a large pair of pliers to squeeze it shut. I heard a sharp click as it closed. Now it was a solid gold ring. In my nipple. Heavy. My right soon bore its own big, gold ring. Next I got two labia rings. She showed them to me before starting and they were identical to my new nipple rings. I couldn't see what she did, but it was soon over. I wanted to get up so I could see them better.

  "Melody, can I get up now?"

  "Not yet Honey, several more to go."

  "More? Oh, my ears are already pierced."

  "I'll have to enlarge the holes before I can use these rings. And there's still one more."

  One more? Where...?" Panic grabbed my heart. "Not my nose, please, not there. I'll never be able to go out in public again. Oh, please."

  "Sorry, Honey. Orders." She strapped my head tight to the chair. I couldn't move it at all. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

  I closed my eyes. It was the only voluntary movement I could make, and it made my destiny recede into the blackness. I didn't know at the time how I would shortly regret that desire.

  I felt the needles enter my existing ear
piercings. I could feel the stretch, but there was little pain. I felt the rings slide into place and then snap shut. First my right and then my left ears. The rings were heavy. It felt like my ears were being stretched down. I had worn heavy earrings before, but nothing like these monsters.

  Melody brushed some of the orange liquid inside my nose. It got numb and she stuck something big in both nostrils. There was a snapping sound and pain erupted in my head. It was much worse than my nipples. I thought I had been shot. I screamed and she pulled the thing away from my face. I saw my blood on it and felt faint. I couldn't move. She brushed some more stuff in my nose that stung. She stuck something else up my nose and moved it around. Everything she did hurt. Then I felt pressure squeezing in the middle of my nose. I felt a click and she took the things out of my nose. I still felt the pressure. I opened my eyes and watched. She inserted another gold ring and squeezed it together with large pliers. Another click. Then I was alone with my pain and a heavy ring dangling from my nose.

  She left me strapped tight to the chair for a long time. When she returned she released me and helped me to my feet. She grasped my arm just like Stan and steered me to a wall with a mirror.

  I saw my reflection in the mirror. It didn't look at all like me. I knew what I looked like. I was OK, I guess. But the girl in the mirror was eroticism incarnate. Her rings shone in the light. Her breasts were high and firm with erect rosy nipples and pierced by those huge gold rings. She was the most sexy and erotic creature I had ever imagined. She wore her chains with distinction. Their graceful lines enhanced rather than shamed. I watched the creature in the reflection smile. I realized I was smiling.

  I felt confused, dissociated from my body. I did not want this. I had agreed to it. I had acted bad and earned punishment. Was this it. To be a helpless, ringed slave girl? I could imagine rape in my future. I couldn't resist. Would that be so bad? I enjoyed sex a lot. I hoped it would be better than prison. As I gazed at my image in the mirror, I was horrified at my bargain. She was more helpless than if in prison. She looked apprehensive. Prison at least gave you clothing. Exposed and so vulnerable. I was also proud. I thought, "I am a fine specimen. Any man would want me. Why did a woman in chains look so erotic? Helpless femininity is a turn on even for women? Even for the chained girl herself? I wonder if all the men get to fuck the sex slaves? No, I must resist. Fuck, I couldn't resist anyone. They can't keep me like this!"

  Melody walked up to her holding what looked like a dog leash. She said, "Sadie, you look great. You have kept yourself in good shape. Have you ever made love to a woman?

  "No, never. I've had invites, but never tried it. Why?"

  "Melody smiled and said, "Always a first time for everything honey. Let's go talk about this." Melody clipped the leash to my nose ring.

  "Ouch. That's tender, Melody. Please be careful."

  Melody stopped and turned to look me in the eye. She had a broad smile on her face. She tied my leash to a ring on the wall and walked away. There were some noises from behind me. Melody returned with a handful of black leather in her hand. She untied my leash, passed it through a hole in the leather, and retied it to the wall ring. She used the leash to pull my face close to the wall before tying it off. My nose ring was tight to the wall ring and I couldn't move my hands or feet.

  "Melody," I whined with a plaintive voice, "what are you doing to me?"

  She didn't say anything. She opened up the leather in front of me, so close I couldn't see anything but black. She wrapped it around my face. It covered everything but my nose and mouth. She pulled my hair through a hole on top of my head then started buckling the straps at the back. She pulled them tight then closed the buckle. There were four, counting the bottom one which came right down to my collar. When they were all buckled I felt and heard her putting padlocks through all four of the buckles. I could only see stygian blackness.

  I felt her untie my leash from the wall. It was still fastened on my nose ring. I heard Melody say, "Follow your nose, Honey." Then I felt a tug pulling my head to the left. I turned and followed my nose into blackness. I was not in control of anything. I took my short hobbled steps into blackness. I felt my torso swaying, bereft of any of my usual reflexes or clues. She steered me well. I did not hit anything or trip. My journey through darkness seemed endless. I knew only the cold concrete under my feet and the tug on my nose. I followed my nose around several corners until the floor changed to carpet. I heard a door close. I was led forward several steps and heard, "Kneel." I tried to lower myself on one leg, but my hobble was too short. Then I bent both knees until they reached the floor. I heard, "Don't move." I froze.

  What could I do. I was helpless. Hands and feet locked up, blind, my nose held in the uncompromising grip of a leash. In a while I felt Melody near me. She said, "Now you're going to learn to service a woman. What are you?"

  "I am your prisoner, Melody." The pain was terrible in the darkness. It sliced across her breasts leaving a fiery trail. I jumped and screamed. My chains rattled.

  "What are you?" Melody repeated.

  "A slave! A slave!," I screamed.

  "What is my title?" Melody asked.

  "Mistress, mistress," I sobbed."

  "Good. Girls learn fast with the whip to guide them," Melody said in a quiet voice. Again, what are you?"

  "A slave, Mistress."

  "Excellent. Now I will sit in front of you and you will service me." She brushed past me and sat on something. It sounded like a padded chair. "crawl forward on your knees until you touch me. OK. Tilt your head forward until your face touches my skin." I felt her pull my nose to her. "Stick out your tongue and lick my labia. Both sides. Faster. Harder." Her love juices were flowing now. She was salty and sweet. I tasted woman for the first time. I was getting aroused now. I wanted to feel a tongue too. I heard a slight moan from her." Now stick your tongue between my lips and keep licking. Harder." The moans were coming faster now. Her juices were flowing faster. I felt her body quivering under me. "Now feel my clit. Suck it, hard. Keep on sucking." I sucked as hard as possible. She exploded under me. Her body spasmed and she arched her back so hard she threw me back. My face was wet with her secretions. She was screaming, "Yes, Yes."

  I knelt , helpless in the darkness. An abject slave. Yet I felt good. I had given Melody a priceless pleasure. Though helpless and blind, I was proud of my new prowess and content to be where and what I was.

  After a while, Melody got up and left the room. I didn't move. I couldn't see and wore chains. Where would I go? She came back and wiped my mouth and nose with a cloth. She also wiped the leather and my breasts. Then the had me stand and walked me back to Stan.

  I heard Stan say, "Only one stripe. She must learn fast."

  Melody replied, "Yep, and this little girl has a great tongue. Try it out."

  Stan said, "Intend to. See you later."

  I felt a tug on my leash so I walked forward a few steps and heard the now familiar, "Kneel." I did and felt a rubber mat under my knees. I heard, "Spread you knees wide." I moved one knee then the other and heard, "Farther." I stretched them wide. "OK, now arch your back and stick your breasts out. " I tried, but couldn't see the results. I felt him grab both of my nipple rings and pull them out." I yelped. He said, Stick them out farther." I tried again. He let go and I relaxed a little.

  "OK," he said, that's a pretty good position for a first time. Now let's get down to business. You will now service me. Have you done this before?"

  I have, but only twice and a long time ago before I married Josh. I said, "Yes Master, but it was years ago."

  Stan replied, "I don't think you have forgotten how. Lets see."

  I felt his penis touch my lips. I opened my mouth and started licking and sucking on its tip. I felt it grow under my ministrations. Soon he said, "Now take it in." It was thick and rigid. I was sure it would be long. It would pose a challenge for me to take it all in, but I was determined to try. "Master" I said, you have a grand penis. I will try and do it jus
tice." I started licking the tip, tasting the salty, sweet pre-cum. I loved its taste, so masculine and full of promise. I took the end in my mouth and sucked in several inches, preparing my mouth and throat for the whole thing. I moved my head in and out, going deeper each time. I felt it grow even larger. I wanted it in my belly. This was a waste. I wanted a climax from this artist.

  I couldn't stop. I knew if I kept on like this, I would shortly receive his whole load, and I wanted it. My pussy was screaming in my brain, 'NO. I WANT IT.' I had never had this happen before. I kept on thrusting and sucking because I didn't want to stop. But I wanted to stop and have him fuck my pussy instead. I knew I could only have one, but I wanted both. Damn it. At last, he came. I managed to swallow it all. It was wonderful, but almost too much for me to handle. I wished again it was in my pussy, but there was nothing I could do. I was helpless, and heaven help me, I loved it.

  I licked him clean, swallowing it all. He wiped my nose for me. I was crying and he said, "Was it bad?"

  I sobbed again, and said, "Oh, No, Master. It was wonderful. I loved giving you pleasure. I am just so happy. I am glad you put such beautiful metal on me and made me so helpless. I hope you can fuck me hard some day."

  Stan said, "count on it, sweetheart."

  He cleaned my face and tied my leash to a wall ring. In a while I was led somewhere else. I felt gravel then grass under my feet, then a tile floor. The lock holding my hands opened and they were then locked to something shoulder height in front of me. I heard a hum and my hands lifted into the air. My arms stretched taut and my heels left the floor. It stopped . Something pulled my knees apart. My toes brushed the floor. All my weight was on my wrists. I didn't say anything. What was there to say? I hung for a long time. I toyed with moving my feet and legs, but that just increased the pain. It was like a toothache. Pain, flowed into my body from my wracked arms and shoulders. Nothing I could do made it better, only worse. I moaned. I cried. I waited. My head hung forward.