Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Read online

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  Chapter 4 - Too Young?

  Sam and Elinor had lunch then he told her to go and dress up. Put on her best party dress. When she left, he made several phone calls. When she returned, her dress covered all her bandages save the one on her head. They got in his car and he took her to a mall and they did a little shopping. He got her a cap to hide the bandages. They got back in the car with several bags. Out of town, he stopped at a wide spot. He had her put a black bag over her head, explaining they were going to a secret location to see her mother. When it was on , he had her recline the seat so she could not be seen from outside. He drove to the estate and led Elinor inside by the hand. When inside he removed the bag. Elinor whistled at the large, opulent interior.

  He explained that her mother had chosen to become a slave rather than go to prison. He would bring her here to visit quite often. He described this place as a movie set as well as a home. There were several women here who were paid quite well to be slaves. They were free to leave whenever they wanted and most of them had already decided to stay.

  Elinor, I want you to meet some of the women who are slaves here. I think you should talk to them about their lives and how they have changed by becoming slaves. This is what I intend to happen to your mother. She has hurt both of us and will expiate my hurt by becoming my slave. What I want you to think about is how she can repair your hurt.

  Your mother is in the workshop now. The staff is putting her chains and rings on. She will be naked, chained, and ringed for a long time. Her actions are going to have consequences that will change her. Her punishment begins shortly. It is in two parts. She will be whipped. It will not harm her, but she will feel pain. Then she will learn to be a slave, that is to say, less than human. She will make no decisions. She will eat when and what her Masters choose to feed her. She will work, sleep, crap, rise, give and receive sex, exercise and wear what her Masters decide. She will learn to obey every command.

  What I find exciting about this place is that all the slaves here are happy with their choice. Much of this is due to the intense sexual content. They are sex slaves and can have many orgasms a day. Still to renounce all freedom for security and sex seems a bad trade to me.

  "Sam," said Elinor, "isn't that trade one that women have always made? In exchange for giving up many choices, girls always look for a man who is good in bed and will support them. Its a topic much discussed by my friends."

  "Elinor," Sam said, "you may be right. I never discussed it with my male friends. My main concern now is what you feel toward your mother right now?"

  "I hate her," said Elinor, "She hit me over and over. She wanted to use me to blackmail you. She tried to blackmail you for sleeping with her. I think she should go to prison instead of being in a movie. But, what you just said about her punishment sounds almost as good. "

  Sam looked at Elinor and said, "I believe it will be good for you to punish her when she is ready. It will help you reduce your anger toward her. She is going to become just like the other women I'm going to introduce you to. Think about it, but I think you should whip her, at least part of the time. When you talk to these slaves, ask them about whipping. I think it will enlighten you. Now, let's go meet them. Remember, every free person is their Master or mistress, including you. You can order them to do or say anything."

  My Uncle Sam took me to another room. He opened the door and I saw two women. They were young, in their mid twenties. Maybe ten years older than me. They were beautiful, like models. They were naked and kneeling on the floor in front of a couch. It was a small room with only a few items of furniture. Like a meeting room with no table. Both women had long blond hair worn loose. They had metal collars on their necks and belts or bands around their waist. A long chain ran from the wall to the woman on my left's collar. A shorter chain joined their collars. They couldn't leave the room. Their knees were wide apart and I could see a chain between their feet. Their hands were behind their back. I wondered if they wore cuffs or just holding them there.

  These were peripheral attractions. What I saw first was their rings. They were large, thick, gold rings. They had no ball to remove and thus take them out. They looked permanent and heavy. They gleamed in reflected light. Each slave girl had rings in labia, nipples and nose. They twinkled with their breathing. They were magnificent, sleek, and lithe. They reminded me of smooth large cats on their leashes.

  They smiled at us and I noticed their red, shiny lips and tanned skin. They looked healthy, trim, and happy to see us. In a way, they were like my mother. She always exercised, going to the gym three times a week. But she hardly ever looked happy. She was depressed and drank a lot in the evenings. She yelled at me a lot. But she looked fine.

  They both said, "Good morning, Masters."

  Uncle Sam said, "Good morning slaves. This is Elinor. Elinor, the slave on your left is Emily and the one on the right is Muriel. Emily submit to Elinor."

  Emily lowered her head to the floor. I saw her hands were locked to the back of her waistband and her wrists and ankles had metal cuffs . She said, " Mistress, I am Emily, your slave. I will obey you in all things."

  Uncle Sam said, "Good. Now you Muriel."

  Emily rose back up to her kneeling position and Muriel lowered her head. She repeated Emily's litany.

  Uncle Sam said, "Good Muriel. Elinor, I am going to leave you to talk to Emily and Muriel. When you are done, just come out the door. If you need it, there are several whips hanging in that closet. The girls will teach you how to use them properly. Experiment. They actually like it." Then he left.

  This was heady stuff. I was in control of two lovely girls. They were helpless and I had a whip. They had sworn to obey me. I wanted to whip mother so much. Yet I had never held a whip, not even a toy one. I went to the closet and opened the door. There were chains, whips, crops, canes, locks, and keys. There were leather items like hoods, leashes, and leather straps of different lengths. I took a short whip and closed the door. They watched me.

  "What should I call you?"

  Muriel said, "Mistress, we answer to our names or any descriptor you want. We obey anything you call us, like slave, girl, slut, whore, or slit."

  "Girls, don't you have any pride?"

  "Mistress," Emily said, "not a bit. We are slave girls. Pride and dignity are forbidden to us. We are punished if we show pride in anything but our skill at serving our Masters."

  "But you are demeaning all women. You are allowing yourselves to become objects. Were you forced to become slaves?"

  "No, Mistress, said Emily, " I chose this because I was both submissive and greedy. I was a sub to another woman, now also a slave. I volunteered for this for one year because I was offered a great deal of money. When my year was up, I was even wealthier, but found I no longer cared for money. Now I can't leave. I crave my bondage. I crave the incredible sex. I am always horny and often fulfilled. Now I just want to obey my Master. Other women are free to do as they wish. Right now, I have never been happier, more fulfilled."

  "Slave. It carries a lot of meaning. You do not seem to be the overworked, unpaid pickers of cotton I read about. What are your jobs?"

  Muriel answered, "Mistress, we clean the house, we work in the garden. We exercise a lot and we pleasure our Masters and mistresses."

  "Pleasure. Is this just sex?"

  Muriel said, "mostly, but many times they just like to control us. To watch us dance to their tune. We sometimes go on hikes in coffle. Sometimes we are pony girls and they use a bit and reins to steer us. Every evening some of us just kneel or lay near our Masters and they fondle us. But we do provide a lot of sexual services. You may have noticed both of us have chastity belts. Only Masters John, Roger, and Bill have access to our cunts. Everyone else uses our mouths and assholes. We are justly proud of our skills. We can bring any man or woman to orgasm in moments with our mouths. Our assholes are more passive. But we do have some practice using our sphincter muscles to speed an orgasm."

  Emily added, "And there is the whip.
We have all learned to love the whip. The pain is beastly at first. After a while you become aroused and you don't want it to stop. Then just a touch on my labia and I have a huge orgasm. I glow for hours after a whip orgasm. Want to see? You have a nice whip. I'll get off in a few strokes."

  "So, the whip isn't much of a punishment?"

  Emily replied, "It can be. If the person with the whip doesn't want you to get off, they just don't touch my cunt. They just keep on whipping or leave me there. When I'm aroused, I am needy beyond belief. It is unbearable agony to be right on the edge and unable to get off. I beg and whine and plead. I hurt all over. I need to orgasm so bad. I would do anything. But that's the bad part of being a slave girl. I'm always helpless, even to get off. I am always locked up and my hands locked behind me, like now."

  "OK, you like a whipping if you can get off on it. Is it usually your back?"

  "Oh, no, Mistress," said Emily, "it is mostly our bottoms. That part of us girls is well padded and there are no bones or organs to be injured."

  "You make it sound pleasant for you. OK. I'll try it. What is the best way for you to get ready, since I can't unlock any part of you?"

  Muriel said, " We can just stand up and bend over. That's quite common."

  "OK. Do it."

  Both slaves stood up and Muriel walked around in front of Emily, both faced the couch and bent way over. I was excited. I couldn't wait to sear one of their asses with this thin whip I held. I thumped it in my palm. How could something that was abhorrent to me an hour ago now excite me so? I felt a stirring in my groin. I might come just from anticipation!

  I stood beside Muriel and raised the whip. My hand trembled. I was sweating. I swung it hard across her ass. She jumped but was silent. I wanted her to scream. I wanted her to acknowledge that I was her mistress. I watched the red line emerge on her ass. It first showed up then the skin under it swelled just a little. Then the area around the stripe reddened. I was reassured. I had marked her. She was mine. I aimed a little lower and hit her again. After the fourth stripe, she said, "Mistress, I'm ready to come." I felt powerful. I wanted this feeling of control and subjugation to continue forever. I realized I just loved whipping a girl's ass. Fuck, what was I doing. I was a girl. I might feel the whip someday. I didn't care, today was what counted. I wanted her ass red, red, red.

  I gave her two more stripes because it felt good and to show her who's boss. I could see her labia from behind. It was full and lush. I reached the whip handle in from behind and pushed it into her vagina. It went in smooth. I wiggled it around and pumped it in and out . She came with a great jerk. Her vagina pulled hard on the whip and she gushed her love juices down her leg and the whip handle. I removed the whip and sniffed it. Woman smell. "Stand up." She straightened up. I walked around to her front. I held the whip to her mouth. "Clean it." She licked it and sucked it into her mouth. She worked it around and opened her mouth wide when done. "Thank you, Muriel. Most enlightening."

  Muriel said, "No, thank you, Mistress."

  I gave Emily her whipping. It was the same except Emily moaned a lot. I was sad I had stopped. I wanted to continue hitting their asses. "OK, return to your kneeling positions." There was always mother to look forward to. I would ensure she came, too, many times.

  "I don't understand how a whipping can make you come so quick. I have never heard about this. Were you able to do it before you came here?"

  Muriel said, "Oh, Yes, Mistress. It is rare that a whipped woman does not get aroused. For me, my first experience was when my father spanked me. Over his knee and I got his pants leg wet. I was a bad girl and needed much spanking."

  Emily said, "It was much the same for me. My father didn't spank me, but my dom often did and I came there too. I come much faster now, though. I think it is the bondage. If I think about my helplessness or when I have to obey without question. like when I'm leashed, I go into high arousal. Then a touch in the pussy and I orgasm."

  "Leashed. You mean a Master will put a leash on your collar like a dog?"

  "Mistress, I've never had a leash on my collar. The collar is where they lock chains, like the one I am wearing now to attach us to something. I have always had the leash put on one of my rings. The nose is quite handy and popular. If i tug on it there is a lot of pain. It makes us quite tractable."

  I thought this would be useful to practice. I went to the closet and got out two leashes. I clipped one to each slave's nose ring. "I see what you mean. With your hands locked you just have to follow the leash or get automatic pain.

  "Now I would like to hear more about submission. Emily, you said you were already a sub before you came her. Muriel, what about you?"

  Muriel said, "I have been a slave for several Masters. I sold myself for specific periods of time. I had a contract and I submitted myself. All proper, consensual, and legal. I came here as a free woman, trained Emily and Denise then sold myself to Master John. My contract was up several months ago and I decided to stay as an unpaid slave, but still free to leave when I want."

  "All right, but you have not told me why you want to submit to others." Be specific or I will use this whip again."

  "Sorry, Mistress," Muriel said, "I wandered. I subjugate myself to others because it arouses me. Master John is an amazing person. He is strong, wealthy, and cares for our happiness. He is stern when we break the rules and loving the rest of the time. He is intelligent and has built a secure place for us. And, of course, we are all becoming wealthy due to his foresight, planning, and vision. A touch from him or even just obeying him brings me to the brink of an orgasm. I love this life. I love my Masters, I love my sister slaves, and I can see a secure future for myself."

  "Wow, you love him. Aren't you jealous of all the other naked slaves around him?"

  "No," Muriel said, "I love them too. We are sisters in slavery. It is like, but much more intense than a sorority. We all share our Masters. They try to take equally from each of us. We are all grateful to be able to pleasure and obey them. It is all in our mindset. We are natural slaves and need to serve strong men. We share our love between ourselves of course. But woman love between we slaves is only possible because we know we belong to men who permit it. Thus we are twice enslaved and know it."

  "You have given me much to think about. I will permit you to ask me a question if you have one."

  "Mistress," said Muriel, " have you ever had a woman make love to you?"

  "No, just a couple of clumsy, scared boys. Why?

  "Mistress," said Emily, "I would cherish the opportunity to give you an orgasm. In thanks for the one you gave me. I won't need a whip, but only my tongue. Please, Mistress?"

  I liked this idea. The orgasm I have had were all self-induced. I thought this was a great time to try a new way. Still, I did not know this girl. But her chains ensured she couldn't harm me. "OK," I said.

  I sat on the couch and removed my panties. The leashes were still on their noses, so I picked up Emily's and drew her to me. She crawled over on her knees and stuck her tongue in my crotch. I saw her tongue. It was much bigger and longer than any I had ever seen. I guess its like any other muscle you work a lot. She was amazing. I was hot the instant she licked me. She licked and sucked hard and fast. I felt my love juices flowing into my loins. She thrust her tongue deep into me and licked deeper and deeper. My belly started trembling, them spasming. I was so close to coming. It felt like her whole head was in my vagina. She sucked my hard nub into her mouth and fondled it with her lips. I came with a scream. The pleasure was unbearable. I was exploding. My screams of joy faded and finally I was able to focus again. I clutched her leash in my hand. It pulled her nose deep into me. I relaxed my stiff fingers and grinned at her. "That was amazing. I'm still shaking. That was the strongest sensation I have ever had. It must be the reverse of childbearing.

  I reached out and took the leash off her nose ring." Thank you, Emily, from the bottom of my heart."

  I lay back, still stunned by the strength of the orgasm. I said, Muri
el, come closer. I took the leash off her nose ring too. "Next time I'll have you make love to me so I can compare."

  Emily said, "Wait, I want a chance to do better. I didn't expect you to accept so easily. I wasn't ready."

  Muriel smiled and said, "Shut up slave. You're a greedy slut. Its my turn next."

  Emily also smiled and replied, "Yes, I am. Isn't that our job?"

  I got up and went out the door. Uncle Sam was waiting in a chair, reading. He looked at me and asked, "Ready to see your mother?"

  Chapter 5 - Mother Daughter Play

  I nodded my head and he took me down the hall. He said, "You don't have to be quiet, she won't know we're there. The room she's in is soundproof. We are going into a viewing room. Its up to you whether you let her know you're present or if you decide to whip her. You can talk to her, taunt her, or be quiet. If you don't want to, I will do it. The whip I have will cause her pain, but not harm. I want every inch of her red before we stop. I also want a nice pause between each stroke. She has been hanging for over an hour. She will hang until three or four hours after we finish. Its all part of her punishment. and the start of her training as my slave." He opened the door and we entered. This chamber was only four or so feet deep and the entire far wall was glass. There was a glass door in the wall. We could see into the room beyond. A slave girl was hanging by her wrists from the ceiling. Her knees were spread wider than her ankle chain by ropes. The wad a collar and all the rings that Emily and Muriel had. This woman was hooded and her hair came out a hole on top of the hood. Her hair was the same color as mother's. She was trim and had good breasts. They didn't sag at all.

  "Are you sure that's mother. The hair looks right, but I've never seen her without clothes before?"