Consequences (Slaves of the Gods Book 2) Read online

Page 3

  "See, you learned quite a lot in less than 30 minutes. Hold out your hand." I did and she held a what looked like a gold playing die up so I could see it. It had a ring sticking out of it. She took my wrist in her other hand and held the die beside the gold ring hanging on my cuff. The ring stretched out and enclosed the ring on the die. Then I was wearing the die like a charm on my bracelet.

  "What's this?"

  "Its for your interviews with the ten new girls. It will make them answer your questions truthfully and it keeps your conversations private. No one else more than four feet away will hear your words. I'm told it slows down the pressure waves made by speech."

  "Wow. Will it make everyone tell the truth?"

  "All women."

  "Do you have to tell me the truth, too?"

  "Anne, I have always told you the truth. Why would I lie?"

  "Oh. Yeah. I don't know. Its just... Everything here is so weird, I don't trust my eyes or ears anymore."

  "You'll adapt pretty soon. I think I was confused for a month when I first came here. I thought I was on a movie set for Rome or Greece when I got here. The streets and buildings seem ancient. But the technology is like magic. Teleportation and magic devices like the one I just gave you. Then I noticed nothing ever got dirty or broke or even worn. Everyone from the rulers down to the lowest slave are beautiful and healthy. Even the collars and rings that keep us restrained are almost sentient. The men here know so much more than Earth about how the universe works and can control it. And the sex. You haven't experienced it yet but the sex is magnificent."

  "Well, I hope I get to that part quick. I haven't had anyone I wanted inside me since...since ever. I have always been forced to spread my legs. That teaching chair I just got off of was the best sex in my whole life."

  "That's over. You are going to have the a new 'best sex of your life.' Tonight!"

  "Boy, I'm excited and scared, both. How do I do these interviews?"

  "The route's been given to you. Just think about the interviews and start walking. Your mind will guide you. If you stray off route your nose ring will buzz. If you keep going it will shock you. Extremely unpleasant, but you'll test it. We all do. Once. When you get to the right building you'll see a circle on the floor. Stand in it and say 'Ramira.' You'll be put in the room. You won't need notes. Apollo can read your mind like a book. Think about their punishment. When you are done, go back to the circle on the floor and say 'Outside.' Your return route is also programmed for you. OK?"

  "I've got it. Follow my nose, Ramira, Outside, Follow my nose. You're right. I will test it. I'm going to hate walking on a public street like this."

  "Oops, I almost forgot. Stand up and put your hands behind you."

  I did and she locked my hands together. "Why?"

  "Women have to be secured when we're outside, unescorted. Don't worry. All the unescorted women you will see will be fixed just like you and all the escorted ones will be leashed."

  She showed me a thin chain. It was several feet long, gold, and had a ring on each end. "This is a slave leash. Just press one end to a gold ring on a slave. Nose, collar, or any other and they will join. You may need it with the new girls." She pressed it into my hand.

  Chapter 3 : Ramira

  I must have drunk too much. My head doesn't hurt. What happened? I couldn't remember getting in bed. White sheets. My bed has red sheets. Where am I. I looked around. This wasn't my place. The walls are all pinkish. Mine have cool posters. I need to get up and see what the fuck is going on. My arms won't move. I'm tied down somehow. I try to kick the covers off. My feet don't move either. I don't feel any ropes though. Its as if my arms and legs aren't listening to my brain. Was I in an accident? No, nothing hurts. I feel better than I have in a long time. I can feel the covers against my hands and feet. I have feeling. They just don't respond. I licked my lips. Hey, my mouth and tongue work! I call out, "Hey. Anyone there?" I heard my voice, but it wasn't my voice. I must be sick. I sounded like a chick.

  I heard a chick talk to me. I didn't see her. Maybe I was on a tv. She said, "Good morning. You are in a treatment facility in Olympus. You have been judged guilty of criminal acts. You are sentenced to one year of penal servitude. Your physical parameters have been adjusted and your year has commenced. Do you have anything to say?"

  "Wait a minute. I don't remember a trial. How long have I been out?"

  That distant voice spoke, "You have been unconscious for eighteen hours. A trial was not necessary. The evidence was read from your memories. It was verified by the memories of your companions. Your sentence imposed twelve hours ago. Do you have any further questions or comments?"

  I though frantically. This wasn't right. I needed my lawyer. I always got off before and sometimes I even cut a deal. "I want my lawyer."

  "Denied. Lawyers are not available in Olympus."

  "Well, what is this penal servitude. Are you going to put me in prison?"

  "No. You are going to perform valuable services for the community. You are sentenced to public enslavement. This means your physical parameters had to be adjusted to conform to enslavement requirements."

  "I don't understand. There ain't been any slaves here for a hundred years. And what do you mean my physical parameters have been adjusted?

  "In Olympus slavery is normal, but only for women. Your physical parameters have been adjusted to conform. Look at the ceiling of your room."

  I didn't understand what physical parameters meant. I looked at the ceiling. It shimmered and changed from solid white to a mirror. I could see the bed and a head, but not mine. I saw a raven haired chick looking at me. Then the sheet covering me vanished and I saw the body of a hot chick. They were trying to trick me. "That's not me. You're playing some sick game. That's just a picture."

  The voice said, "No. That is your body after we adjusted your physical parameters. I will release your arms. Move them and explore your new reality."

  A woman? No! No! No! They can't do this to me. God made me a man. I was strong. Women obeyed my strength. They couldn't take my strength, my manhood away! They couldn't. It wasn't possible. This was a trick. I will be strong. I will show them.

  My arms were free. I lifted my hands to my face. Women's hands. Small, long fingers. They looked fragile and delicate. I turned them over and saw someone had painted the long fingernails red. Oh no! Shit. My arms were thin and I saw hardly any muscles. I looked at the ceiling and saw a gorgeous black haired woman. She had large, high, firm cones for breasts. I ran my hands over the, my, breasts and was surprised how sensitive they were. I had big, sensitive breasts.

  Had they taken my manhood too? I ran my hands down, down to my groin. It was gone. Replaced by a slit. Two lips over my tunnel. It was even more sensitive than the breasts. I ran my fingers over the strange folds of skin. I remembered how powerful I had felt when I shoved my penis into a hot girl. How I pinned her to the sheets with my stiff rod. How good it felt to exert such control over a woman. Now I wondered what they had felt when my prick had so dominated them. What would I feel if a man impaled me?

  No. I will regain my manhood, my muscles, my strength. I would once again be a force to be respected. I needed to find out who had done this to me and force them to reverse it. I felt wetness on my face and tears in my eyes. I was crying. Oh no. I can't cry. I must be strong. But they kept flowing. I dried them with my fingers, but they kept coming. I felt so defeated, so lost. Whoever ran this place didn't understand. I didn't want to hurt my girls. I just needed them to respect me. Respect my strength. Please forgive me.

  Without any warning or sound two people appeared in the room. The man was big. He looked like Hercules. Bulging muscles, seven feet tall, lean athlete's body. Curly blond hair and well trimmed beard. The woman was medium height, red hair. Naked except for shiny silver bands on her wrists, ankles, and neck. Her ankles were joined by a foot of chain. She pushed a small cart over beside my bed. My arms went limp. My head fell back on the bed. I couldn't move a muscle.
/>   She swabbed something wet inside my nostrils. Then she inserted something into both of my nostrils and I felt a sharp pain. My eyes watered but I didn't even jump. Ste replaced the painful thing with something else in both nostrils. I felt something squeezing and felt a click. Then she pulled it out and the man went to the other side of the bed. He opened a small, black box and took out two pieces and showed them to me. They looked like two halves of a thick, gold ring. He put them both to my nose and it looked like he inserted one through my nose and the other half snapped onto it. He released it and I felt its heavy weight laying on my upper lip.

  He backed away and the woman put gold bands shaped like hers on my neck and limbs. I tried to shout, to protest, to run, but I couldn't move. When she was finished, she and the tray vanished. Just vanished, without a trace.

  "Stand up."

  I stood up. Rather, my body stood up. I had nothing to do with it. My limbs moved at his command. I stood straight, my eyes level with his chest. He was dressed in a normal, casual, white, button down, short sleeve shirt and tan chinos.

  "Put your hands behind you. Be silent."

  My arms obeyed. and then I felt his control leave me. My wrists were now locked behind me.

  "What is you name?"


  "No longer. You are a woman and your name is Ramira. Say it."


  "Good. You will address all men as 'Master." All women here are slaves. You will acknowledge any order verbally and you will obey every order. Clear?"

  I hated this. He was huge and I was chained and much weaker than him. I said, "Yes, Master."

  You will be punished for one week and then put to work.

  I didn't say anything.

  "Close your eyes."

  My eyes snapped shut, tight. I didn't do it. Shit.

  "Open your eyes." They opened and we were in a different, much longer room. He took hold of my upper arm. It was like being grabbed by a stone statue. He marched me to one end of the room and picked up a chain laying on the floor. He fastened it to the back of my collar and vanished.

  I was alone in a large room with nine other chains waiting for the rest of my men, I guessed. I took stock. What a demotion. From a young man with a glorious criminal career ahead of him to a naked slavegirl in a magical land. Awaiting punishment. Great. I felt sorry for myself and feared what my guys would say and think when they saw me again. I sat against the wall and cried again.

  I didn't have long to wait. The big man came back with a strange girl. She was fixed just like me. He brought her over and locked her to the next chain. As he got close I felt something. A hotness in my belly. I didn't recognize it, wait, yes. It was like when I looked at my bitch. Oh shit. Was I feeling that for this guy? No. I'm no queer. No, oh shit. I'm a cunt now. I must be getting hot for this monster. No. No.

  The girl looked at me and asked, "Who are you?"

  "Ramon." I had just gotten the word out when I felt a sharp pain in my nose. Then again and again, until I said, "Ramira, I used to be Ramon."

  "Ramon? I used to be Jose. I guess now I'm Josi. Shit, boss. What's happening?"

  "I don't know. I woke up here and found myself in a girl's body and a voice tells me I am now a slave and I'll be punished. These guys are like gods. Huge, powerful, and they can control my body like a puppet."

  Josi sat down and just sobbed quietly. I was so helpless. I wanted to tell him, no her, to shut up, but I knew I was close to tears too. I told myself to 'man up' then I laughed hopelessly. I couldn't be a man anymore. I wouldn't be able to command the respect I once had. I was so small now. I was a cunt, a bitch. They would make me their whore whenever they wanted. I closed my eyes and wished I could die. I cried. I was so ashamed. I was a fucking cunt, chained to a wall and crying. I was crying. Please God, make me die.

  Soon the big guy was back with another one of my guys. Now a girl. Tonya. Used to be Tomas. Shit. Soon all ten of us were in the room. Every time he brought another one in I got the same funny feeling in my stomach. The last time I got kind of woozy and I had some sort of spasm in my groin. I hoped it wasn't what I feared. We didn't talk much. Most of them just sat against the wall and sobbed. Fucking cunts. Yeah, me too. Shit.

  After a long time a cunt appeared with a cart. She put bowls of food and water on the floor in front of each of us.

  "How we gonna eat this with no hands?"

  She smiled. "Use your mouth. We all eat the same way. Women are not allowed to use our hands to eat. Eat carefully or you'll get food stuck on your rings." She pushed the cart over to a circle on the floor and vanished.

  I didn't care. I was real hungry so I bent over the bowl. She was right. I got food stuck on that damned nose ring first bite. I ignored it and ate. I licked the bowl clean. I had a lot of food hanging on my nose ring when I was done. I rinsed it off in the water dish. I got most of it but there was one stubborn bit. I tried shaking my head. That damned heavy ring swung good. All It did was bang into my face. The food didn't budge. Finally I bent my neck as far down as I could and rubbed the ring against my shoulder. That worked. The food stuck to my shoulder. Then I was able to rub it off on the wall. Whew. Everything was so hard when I couldn't use my hands. I went back and sat against the wall. I waited. I suppose slavegirls developed much patience. I hated my helplessness, my impotence. Soon all the girls were sitting against the wall. No one spoke. What good would it do?

  The girl with the cart reappeared. She collected our food bowls, refilled the water and left us each a pail with a lid. All the modern conveniences a slavegirl needed, I guess. I wanted my gun. I wanted to smash someone with my fists. I wanted my body and freedom back so I could do those things. I sat there feeling real sorry for myself. I felt tears running down my face. I guess that's all I could do anymore. Damn.

  Then Anne appeared in the room. Anne? I didn't want her to see me like this. Last time I saw her she was my bitch. Now I was helpless. She had the power. She could do anything to me and I couldn't raise a hand in defense. I wanted to die. She was as naked as we were. She was collared and her ankles were chained like ours. But her hands were free while ours were locked behind us. What did she want? Was she here to gloat? Why is she chained too? She went to the girl at the far end of the line and knelt in front of her. They talked for a long time. I couldn't hear anything they said. In the end they both stood up and Anne held her and kissed her on the cheek. That cunt. Oh yeah, I forgot.

  She worked down the line toward me. I couldn't hear a word that was said. She talked to all the girls. When she was done they both would stand and Ann would hug and kiss them. No matter how close she got, I didn't hear anything. Then she stood in front of me.

  She motioned me to come closer. I shook my head. If she wanted t be closer she could come to me. She smiled sweetly and walked close to me. She reached her hand close to my face and, unexpectedly, took hold of my nose ring and pulled. Shit. That hurt. I yelled ,"Stop that." She ignored me and kept pulling. She opened her other hand and a thin chain fell out. She took the end and somehow fastened it to my nose ring. Then she slid her hand along it to hold the other end.

  "This is your leash Ramon, or now Ramira, aren't you? If you give me any trouble, I'll pull on it. Like this."

  She gave a sharp tug and pain flared into my head.

  What could I do. She held all the cards. I had to play along until I could get free. "No, please, I'll do what you want. Please?" It hurt to beg her. She was my bitch. She had to show me respect. Or else...

  "You know, that's the first time you have ever said 'Please' to me. I like it. Now, I'm going to ask you some questions. If you lie, I'll know it and cause you some more pain. Pain like you used to give me when I was helpless. Stand up."

  I was shamed. I had to obey. I didn't fight, how could I? What was the use? She pulled me forward until my chain came taut.

  She tugged on my leash again. Tears flowed down my cheeks. She lifted the leash, pulling my nose ring up until I was looking at the ce
iling. I was so weak, so helpless. She could do anything she wanted to me. I felt my nipples harden. They ached. What was happening to me?

  "Slavegirls must verbally acknowledge their orders. When I tell you to do something, you must say, 'Yes, Mistress.'"

  She waited and I got it. "Yes, Mistress."

  "Good. You will be punished if you don't show proper respect. You remember how you used pain to teach me to behave?"

  "Yes, Mistress." I was so ashamed. But this was something I had learned long ago. Give a cunt some pain and she will obey. I was now a cunt. Shit.

  I felt her fingers grasp my nipple. She held it firmly and twisted and pulled. It felt ... good. Then she pinched it hard and a sharp pain flared and reached deep into my breast, like a hot needle. I screamed in pain. "Please, no," I begged.

  "Kneel and remember your body can give you pleasure or pain. Also remember, I decide which you will feel."

  "Yes, Mistress." I knelt.

  "Spread your legs and thrust your breasts out. Hold your head high. Be proud of your body. Your are the property of a man. Display your assets proudly."

  "Yes, Mistress." I did as she ordered. I hated this so much. But I realized with some surprise that I was proud of how I looked. I was a hot chick. Besides, she was still holding my nose ring taut. It wasn't my fault.

  She knelt in front of me and let the leash fall loose, but it was still in her hand.

  "Ramira, I'm going to ask you some questions. You can't lie to me.. I know your whole life up to now has been filled with lies. You won't believe me unless I show you. I want you to tell me a lie. What color is my hair?"

  Her hair was blond so I decided to say black, "Blond, Mistress. Hey, I tried to say 'black.'"

  "Good. Now you know what I meant. What are you Ramira?"

  "Mistress, I am a woman."

  "True, what else?"

  "Mistress I am a slave."


  "Mistress, I am chained and helpless."

  "And how do you feel?"

  "Mistress, I am ashamed of my weakness."