Consequences (Slaves of the Gods Book 2) Read online
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"Ramira, you will never be stronger than you are today. You are forevermore a helpless slavegirl. You must adapt to a new reality. Everything about you will be determined by your master. Tell me about Ramon."
"Mistress, Ramon was strong and respected by everyone."
"I thought Ramon was feared, not respected."
"Mistress, In Ramon's world, fear meant respect. No one was respected unless they were feared."
"Tell me what you did to earn that fear."
The questions went on for two hours. At last she finished.
"Ramira. Stand up."
"Yes, Mistress." I stood up. She dropped my leash. It fell between my breasts. My breasts! She slapped me hard across the face. I jumped back. My ankle chain tripped me and I fell on my ass.
"That was for trying to kill me for a movie." She walked to the circle and vanished.
Chapter 4 : Anne and Ramira
It felt good to slap the silly bitch. I had suffered so much at her hands when she was Ramon. I was glad Apollo had assigned me to interview the 'gang.' The tools he had given me were superb. Knowing that they had to be truthful lent their stories credibility.
Ramon had been the physical and mental leader of them. Seven of them were simple farm boys from Guatemala who followed orders and examples. They sent half their money home to their families every month. They all lived together in a big empty house the gang owned. Miguel and Jose had been Ramon's wingmen but they didn't do anything unless Ramon ordered it. Ramon had all the contacts to buy and sell the drugs. The gang were just there to lend muscle when needed. All but Ramira were sorry for what they had done and I completely forgave them. Ramira was another story. She was as morally repugnant as Ramon had ever been. If our positions were reversed she would be savage with me.
When I was teleported out of the room, I wound up outside. I started walking home when I remembered my hands were free. I put them behind me and they locked. I was helpless again but I felt safe. Safer than I ever had at home on Earth. On Earth no one cared about me. Anyone could accost me and do evil and the chance that someone else would help me were small. Here I belonged to a God who watched over me.
I didn't have to think about my route, I was on automatic and its unseen hand guided my steps. I thought about Ramira. She was a feral animal. She would try to hurt people to her advantage. I know Apollo would not allow that. But unless she can be civilized, she'll stay in a cage for everyone's well being. As I walked, I thought about how enjoyable it would be to tame her. Once I got past the anticipated pleasure, I started to consider methods. I could use both pain and pleasure to encourage good behavior. I needed to change her ferocity to timidity, her anger to love, and her rebellion to obedience. I needed to convince Apollo I was the one to do that.
When I got home I walked up to the side door I was told to use. It opened automatically and when it closed behind me my hands unlocked. That was convenient. I said to the house, "Where is Alice?"
A woman's voice said, "Alice is in the exercise room. Do you know how to get there?"
A glowing green dot appeared in front of me. "Follow the guide." It moved away and I followed it. It was a good thing I did. Apollo has a big, twisty house. The glowing dot led me to a door. I opened it and the dot vanished. Alice was alone doing what looked like an excellent belly dance. Indian music with a strong drum beat was playing. She had put a noisy, glittering belt of coins around her waist. I watched her closely. She had great control of her belly and pectoral muscles. I saw her shift her breasts up, left, right, and down in time to the music. Her ankle chains didn't hinder her at all since she only took tiny steps. When she finished her skin was shiny with perspiration. It looked like a great workout. I clapped in appreciation. She smiled and did a little bow. Obviously a curtsey was impossible.
"Wow Alice, I mean Alice. I didn't know you knew how to do that. And you looked like a pro. Have you been doing it long?"
"About two hours."
I shook my head in negation, "No way. You don't get that good in two hours."
"Here, you do. I took a thirty minute session on belly dance in the chair and I've been practicing since then. Do you want to learn?"
"You bet. I want to do what I just saw you do. Can I do it now?"
"Sure, if a chair's free. Let's go see." She took off the coin belt and tossed it into a cupboard.
She took my hand and led me to the learning center.
A chair was free so in an instant my pussy was filled and I was feeling great. When it was over I pushed myself off the big dildo with a plop And stood a little shaky beside the chair. Alice opened the door and asked, "Ready to dance, girl?"
"I can't wait. Show me how?"
"Of course. Let's go." She took my hand again and led me back to the exercise room. She handed me a belt and put one on. I looked at it in a kind of wonder.
"What's the matter. You look worried."
"No, not worried. Curious. This is the only bit of anything wearable I've seen here. Is it OK to wear it? I mean, if women are forbidden clothing..."
"Don't be too paranoid. As long as it can't conceal anything, its OK."
I put it on. It had a simple hook closure and jangled as I moved.
"Where do we stand?"
"Center of the room. Stand beside me. Lift your hands over your head. Palms together. I've still got music cued up. Ready?"
"Music start."
A swirling crescendo and a strong drum beat and I was dancing. I could see Alice out of the corner of my eye. We were in perfect unison. I felt the music driving my body. I lost myself in the beat and rhythm. I had perfect control of my breasts. I could make them go any direction , firmly, in perfect control. I didn't think about it. My body seemed to just follow the music, no, anticipate the music. I could feel my muscles working but still, I felt like a passenger on a roller coaster. I was excited and thrilled by the music and I knew I would dance for my Master's pleasure. I wanted to please him so much. I wanted him to take me. It had been so long since I had been loved.
The dance ended. I felt warmed up and ready to dance for hours. I ran to Alice and hugged her tight. "Thank you so much. This was wonderful. I've always wanted to dance. I knew it would feel good. Without you I would be dead in New York. Now I've had one of my dreams fulfilled."
I looked into her warm, green eyes and felt myself falling into them. She was smiling and I was so happy. I loved this beautiful creature. I kissed her. She kissed back. Her lips opened and So did mine. Our tongues danced the lover's gavotte around our mouths. My nipples ached they were so erect. I felt her hard knobs pushing into my breasts. I felt her fingers find my pussy and stroke it gently. I was so aroused. We broke the kiss and she said, "lay down."
I sank to the floor and spread my knees as far apart as I could. She knelt between my legs and rubbed my arousal to a great height. I felt my love juices flowing down my ass cheeks. She bent her head to my mons and licked it. She was gentle but it drove me crazy. "More, please," I begged. She thrust my labia lips apart with her tongue and licked my secret lips until I was ready to burst. I moaned my need and my pleasure. When she sucked my clit into her mouth I spasmed in terrible, wonderful orgasm. It was huge. I think I fainted. When I could see again, All I saw was her still kneeling, smiling down at me.
"My, that was a good one."
"Yes, Alice, yes, it was. It was my best. Thank you."
"You're quite welcome, dear. Let's go get cleaned up." She stood and gave me a hand up. As we walked to the shower, it struck me how convenient it was not to have to worry about clothes.
"How long did it take you to get used to being naked and chained, the first time?"
"Not long. Maybe a week. I remember thinking how easy it was to drop an old habit when everyone around you was using the new one. Are you feeling this is normal, now?"
"Yes, I guess I am. I remember an old line from something: 'Nudity becomes you.' Well, since everyone here looks like a model,
its pretty easy to learn to like it. There's no need to cover anything up. Here, everyone looks great and you can't hide anything. People can only judge you on how you act. All the women are equal. Intellectually, I hate having to wear these chains. Emotionally, they don't bother me. There are so many fewer rules here, I feel like I've been freed from prison. There's no licenses, taxes, shopping, Traffic, or living my life ruled by the clock. There's no hurry or rushing or being late. Its like I have my whole life available just to live."
"Well, yeah. Its great. I don't remember why I went back. Maybe I was homesick. I doubt you'll have that problem. When we get cleaned up, Apollo wants to see you and see how your interviews with the former Ramon went."
"Oh. I have the recommendation he asked for but I'm scared. I may have let my wishes influence me."
"Just tell him, dear. He's wise and experienced and you can't hide anything from him anyway. He'll make a decision based on what you learned. Not your problem. Remember, we don't decide."
Chapter 5 : Apollo and Anne
The house gave me another glowing green guide to Apollo. He was sitting on a terrace overlooking a garden and with a blue ocean in the distance. The sum was warm. It was idyllic. I don't think I could have gotten any work done out here. There was what seemed to be a holograph floating in front of him and he was talking to someone. When I stepped out he ended the conversation before I could hear anything. The immaterial screen vanished. He waved me over. As I got closer my arousal sprang into being I was panting as I reached him. I took a deep breath and knelt before him. He looked at me and said, "Relax Anne. I'm glad you came. Tell me what you learned from the new girls."
My lust was overpowering. It took all my concentration to speak. I looked away from his face and stared at his right shoulder. "Master, I'm glad I went to see them and the thing you gave me worked wonderfully." I held up my wrist and shook the little cube that dangled from my cuff.
"Tell me what you learned, Anne."
My arousal was growing. I felt my nipples growing hard. They started aching. "Yes, Master. In a nutshell, Ramira is evil and the rest are good. Ramon was the brains and the driving force behind the gang. The others are not-too-bright boys from the country. They have no education and a great desire to help their families. Ramon brought them to the US with promises of easy money and a better life for their families. Once they were in a foreign country with no papers and no skills, they had to do what he said. None of them actually hurt anyone. Their job was to scare Ramon's enemies and dealers with tough talk and numbers."
"All right. What do you think I should do with them?"
My belly was spasming. felt my love juices wetting my pussy. My God. His effect on me was terrifying. I loved him so much. I needed him in me. Now. "M...Master, all but Ramira don't deserve any more punishment. Being changed into girls is shock enough They will never do anything bad again. I would just let them be more slavegirls here and give them some education. They are anxious to make amends. Ramira is the problem. She's like a feral animal just waiting for the chance to kill someone and escape. She needs taming and civilizing."
"Death is the easiest cure for her. Is that what I should do?"
Now my juices were dripping off my pussy. I was leaving a wet spot on the ground under me. He must be able to see it. "Master, I would like the opportunity to tame her first. I was not selected as most earth girls are. I want to stay here and I want to be useful. Let me try and make her into a real human. It would cure some of my demons too. Please, Master?" Please fuck me is what I meant.
"I like your ambition. I am generally against killing a sentient being unless there is no reasonable alternative. OK. She is now yours to tame. I will give you additional rights over her. You will be able to control her appliances and add others as you need. I will put her in your room. The house will answer any questions you have about what is available." That ends our business, I believe. I see you are in need. Come here." He opened his arms invitingly. I Jumped to my feet and leapt into his lap.
I snuggled around until I had maximum body contact. I felt his rigid cock prodding me in my side. He was ready too. My arousal was growing. I thought I would climax any moment.
"You life has changed rather drastically over the last few days, Anne. What do you think?"
I looked into his aquiline face and felt nothing but joyful lust. I think I want him to stop talking and take me to bed. "Master, I am finding it hard to talk, right now. I am full of joy and love. Can we talk later?"
"You mean after I take you?"
"Take me now, Master, then I will be able to think again."
He picked me up by the waist and turned me upright. I spread my knees and he lowered me onto his cock. It slipped easily into my sopping pussy, spread my lips wide and drove into my love canal. I was filled. My loins with him and my heart with love. This was what I needed. I was complete. Then he used his arms to lift and lower me, repeatedly. I felt my climax nearing its peak. Three stroked and My orgasm burst within me. I was transported to heaven and bliss. I think he climaxed too, but my senses were so overloaded, I couldn't be sure.
I was still impaled by his cock, sitting on his lap, his big hands holding my waist. I smiled and opened my eyes. "Thank you, Master. That was wonderful."
"Can you think, now, Anne?"
"For a little while, Master, but you know this position is going to drive me back over the edge in just a few minutes."
"I know. Try to hold still and you will last longer. Olympus must seem a strange place to you. Is there anything you are curious about?"
"Master, why do you keep us, women, I mean, enslaved. On Earth we have mostly given up slavery. Wouldn't it be more efficient to have women be a bigger part of your society?"
"Because both men and women are happier this way. Once we had full equality and the women committed a great crime. They were defeated and we learned that many women supported the criminals. At least in their principles, so, after much thought, this scheme was devised. The women learned to their regret that there are often consequences for actions. It's worked well for thousands of years. We've tried many variations, but nothing has worked better."
"Maybe it is just me, Master. I feel so helpless and insignificant compared to you. I want to be more help. To participate more fully."
"Anne, every woman here is educated and trained in arts , music, and literature. All women are the equivalent of a US professor of liberal arts. All have the skills of a performer and professional artist. They are fulfilled with creativity. Have you seen any who are not happy?"
"No, Master. Maybe I just haven't been here long enough. Why do we have to be chained?"
"We find it instills an even temper and a good attitude toward their men."
"You mean they are good slaves," I flared.
"In most cases, that means they love, honor, and obey their men. Is that not a goal on Earth too?"
"Yes, Master. And I have not seen any abused, neglected, or unhappy women here."
"Right now, how do you feel?"
"Good. Your hands and feet are chained. You wear my collar and my ring in your nose. How do you feel about them?"
"Master...Master, I had forgotten about them. They feel a proper part of me, like a watch or bracelet."
"When you walk or try to use your hands, you feel the limits I have imposed on you. What do you think then?"
"Nothing. Its like having to wear a coat when its raining. Its appropriate. They have never prevented me from doing anything I wanted. The only time I notice them is when you lock my hands or fasten me to something. Then I just feel protected and loved."
"So, you see why we make our women wear them."
He lifted me off him and stood up and then we were in a bedroom. He held me to him like I was weightless. He kissed me and my arousal grew even stronger. I wanted him in me, taking me, again. I wished I had more to give him but there was nothing left. I had given him my love, my body, my soul. He had me every way from Sund
ay. There was nothing I wouldn't do for him.
But he surprised me. He sat on the bed and turned me over so I was face down over his legs. I felt his heavy hand hit my ass cheek. I screamed in pain, my arousal forgotten. It flamed into searing heat. Then my other cheek. The third blow morphed into hot arousal. I was near climax. My nipples were aching rocks. My pussy was engorged and wet. I was screaming in pleasure now. The next blow sent me into a white hot orgasm. I fainted. When I awoke, I was on my back and he was naked, smiling down at me. I grinned at him, insouciantly.
"Pull your feet up to your ass, slave."
"Yes, master. Would you like me to spread my knees too?"
"Smart mouth, slave. Do you want to be spanked again?"
"Oh, yes, Master. Please."
"No, you want it too much. Its my turn to have some pleasure."
He spread my knees apart and brought his huge stiff cock up against my labia. I felt my juices flowing anew to my already wet pussy. I wanted him in me so bad. I lifted my hips, pushing my pussy around him. But I could only get him a little way in. I needed him to push, to impale me. I realized he was teasing me. I begged. "Please master. Take me hard. I need you in me." Then he thrust in me, smooth and relentless until I was filled. Then he began his rhythm of lust. I climbed to my climax and it blossomed in me, again and a third time before he joined me in a shared orgasm. Each orgasm was stronger than the last.
Just before my third orgasm, I think I felt him in my mind. He was coaxing me toward my orgasm, helping me control it until he was ready. When we climaxed together, I heard him thank me and I felt some of his ecstasy flow into me. That's the last thing I remember before I fainted again. The shared climax was so stupendous, so overwhelming. We were, just for a moment, joined together. I could feel the awesome power in him as though it was a river, flowing past me, vast and powerful. A mighty river of mental force. It was capable of anything.
I woke in the morning, light streaming in the big window. I was relaxed and happy. I was laying on my side, my arms still locked behind me and, of course, my ankles joined by a length of chain. I remembered last night. The beast had spanked me. My pain had turned to vast pleasure. Was it because I loved him already or would it happen no matter who spanked me. Or whipped me, for that matter. I read somewhere that in parts of Africa a woman who is not whipped on her wedding night feels she married the wrong man. I stood up and Apollo entered the room. My lust flared again. God, how could a woman do anything around him? He released my hands.