Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Page 5
"I think she should be a part of the video. I want her to know the whole world has observed her submission and take joy in it. Elinor wants to stay here on the estate, be home schooled, and be an apprentice slave. By that she means put the whole kit on her, enforce slave rules and just not put her on camera. I have Sadie's power of attorney and her permission to act as parent. As long as I and Elinor agree, there's no reason she can't be chained and ringed. I think corporal punishment will be limited to a spanking. Would you let me use a guest house and keep Sadie and Elinor with me when I'm home?"
"Sam, sounds like you've thought this out. It'll be good to have a doctor on site if something goes wrong. I'm willing to try it. You can use the yellow guest house. Its only a hundred feet from the main house. Its fully stocked and the hard points for the girls are all installed. I turned a small storage room into a cell that will be perfect for Sadie. I even had a track installed so the girls can have the run of the house, but can't leave. The cameras are all in place, but we won't broadcast from there unless you want us to. Take Elinor to the workshop. You can stay with her if you want. Do you want Sadie delivered to the house and waiting for you or do you want to pick her up?"
"Thanks John. I'll bring Elinor out now. Be there in an hour. I need to pack. Leave Sadie in the main house. Her transfer should be a ceremony. What would you think about a handover ceremony? Not too complex, just make it clear what's happening."
"That sounds good. I'll set it up. See you soon."
"Elinor, pack your things. You are getting your wish. In 90 minutes you will be an apprentice slave and we'll pick up your mother."
"Wow. For real? I told you I should call you Master, Master. I'll get my stuff."
Sam and Elinor pulled into the estate an hour later, bag once again over her head. He stopped at the workshop, removed her bag and took her inside. She was grinning ear to ear.
"Ellie, this is Stan and Melody. They are going to fix you up like Emily and Muriel. I suppose you had better get undressed and give me your clothes. Shoes too, please."
I was giddy. I was going to do something stupid, but safe. I could always get out of this if I wanted. I determined to give it a good try. I wanted to be as happy as Emily. I also wanted to humble my bitch mother. I quickly stripped off my clothes and handed them to Uncle... Master. I had to call him 'Master' now. The man called 'Stan' took my hand and led me to a workbench. He had me sit on a tall stool and put my feet on the top of the bench. He tried several metal bands on my ankles until he found some that fit. He was whistling thinly while he worked. He told me to draw my feet back and look at them. I pulled them to my ass and looked. My ankles had thin metal bands that were linked by a little more than a foot of light chain. I felt around the bands and looked closely. There was no hole for a key. I didn't see a hinge or even a line. They looked to be made of a single piece of metal.
"What you expected girl?" he asked.
"Yes, Master. They are beautiful. I will wear them with pride."
The band around my waist was much tighter than the ankle bands. It was like a steel corset. I could only take small breaths. It had eight rings around it. Stan said, "John wants these tight. You'll get used to it in a day or so. The slaves here are put on a strict diet and exercised a lot. I have to make these smaller every month or so for a while. All you girls develop small waists in no time."
He put bands on my wrists like the ankle bands, but with only a ring on the inside. Final piece was a collar. High, snug with rings on front and back. He locked my hands to the back of my waistband. "Please, Master, can I look in a mirror?"
"Of course. come over here." he said and took hold of my upper arm. I was glad of the support. I felt unstable. My gait was halting. I attributed it to my chained ankles and unfamiliar arm position. I saw myself in the mirror. I was speechless. I was helpless and more erotic than Emily and Muriel. I felt submission flow through me. I could do nothing and loved it. I was in the control of others, of anyone. I felt giddy and hot. I felt wet. My pussy was flowing juices down my leg. My belly spasmed and I realized I was having my first slave orgasm. It was wonderful and embarrassing. "I'm sorry, Master. I didn't.."
Stan said, "you're not the first. Girls get excited when they see themselves in my chains."
Melody walked up and said, "You look fine girl. Come with me and I'll add some ornamentation." she took my arm and led me to a barber's chair. "Sit," indicating the chair.
Melody strapped me down to the chair, spreading my knees far apart.
She painted an orange liquid on both nipples then she pierced my left nipple. It stung. She picked up a ring and put it in the hole. She used a large pair of pliers to squeeze it shut. I heard a sharp click as it closed. Now it was a solid gold ring. In my nipple. Heavy. My right soon bore its own gold ring. Then she installed two labia rings. She showed them to me before starting and they were identical to my new nipple rings. I couldn't see what she did, but it was soon over.
"Honey, only one more to go."
"My nose ring. I know. Put it as far out in front as you can, please. I want it to swing free."
Melody stopped and looked at me. She asked, "how old are you, Honey?"
"Sixteen, Mistress."
She said, "going on thirty, I think." then she brushed some of the orange liquid inside my nose. It got numb and she stuck something big in both nostrils. There was a snapping sound and pain erupted in my head. It was much worse than my nipples. She brushed some more stuff in my nose that stung. She stuck something else up my nose and moved it around. Everything she did hurt. Then I felt pressure squeezing in the middle of my nose. I felt a click and she took the things out of my nose. I still felt the pressure. I opened my eyes and watched. She inserted another gold ring and squeezed it together with large pliers. Another click. Then I was had a heavy ring dangling from my nose. It seemed much heavier than the others.
She released me and helped me to my feet. She grasped my arm just like Stan and steered me to a wall with a mirror. I saw my reflection in the mirror. It didn't look at all like me. But it was. I was an erotic vision. I never dreamed I could look so good. I was Venus reborn as a slave girl. My rings shone in the light. My breasts were high and firm with erect rosy nipples and made proud by those huge gold rings. I was the most sexy and erotic creature I had ever imagined. I wore my chains like jewelry. Their graceful lines enhanced rather than shamed. I watched the creature in the reflection smile. I realized I was smiling.
I turned and my Master was watching me. He was staring. His mouth was agape. He said, "My God, Ellie, you are fantastic. You look just like your mother. I thought she was perfection. Now I couldn't choose between you. I'm having trouble believing you are only sixteen. You look twenty. Gorgeous. Come, let's go get your mother and take you both home."
I was ready, but didn't know anything. "Master, do I go like this? I mean, I don't have any clothes?"
"Elinor, slaves don't need clothes. You are more accessible and you can't hide much from your Master."
"You think! I'm so unable to hide anything. Even if my hands weren't locked behind me. My boobs and pussy and everything is hanging out. Everyone can see everything!"
"Yes, just as we want you. Remember. Slave. Since you have so much to learn, I'll add one more thing to make this a memorable journey." He took a leash off a peg and held the end out toward me.
I shuffled back a step. "Oh, no, I'm not a dog. You can't put that on me!" He just smiled, reached out, put finger through my left nipple ring and pulled me toward him. It hurt, but more than the pain, it was fearful. He could take hold of any of my, oh so prominent rings and make me do anything. I jumped forward. "You didn't have to do that. It hurts."
"You tried to evade my leash. The first, most important lesson for a slave is the pain of disobedience. You are new and only an apprentice slave. If your mother or any of the others did that they would get three stripes. Your lesson was cheap, but don't forget it. The second lesson you should have learne
d is that resistance is not possible. Slaves are so restrained that your resistance to a Master's orders will always fail. As in Star Trek, 'Resistance is futile.'" He clipped the leash onto my nose ring. Then he turned and walked away. I followed, stumbling with my hobbled feet. He knew my limits because he walked at a pace I could barely manage. The inevitable tugs on my nose were painful.
He led me out of the workshop and toward the large house. He said, "John has arranged a small ceremony to hand your mother over to me. Your only part is to kneel beside me when I stop, like a well trained pet. And yes, that is what you will become. You'll like it. When I take custody of Sadie, I will put a leash on her and lock it to your wrist ring. You will follow me and lead her. Try to be gentle with her. She's been through a trying time. I know she deserves it, and its not over yet. Now, we are going to the ceremony. You are going to appear in front of strangers for the first time as a slave. You are nervous. You will want to be ashamed. This is the naked in public nightmare come true. But it is not. You are a beautiful and cherished property. You have become that most feared of feminist concepts. You are an object. You are my property, just like my car or my dog. You must act proud. You have been found beautiful enough to be collared. You are not just a slave. You are my slave, my vixen, my wench. I am your Master. Keep your head high and smile as broad as you can. Walk gracefully. Show these strangers you are right where you want to be. Do me proud."
He was right. This, strange as it was, was where I wanted to be. I wanted to experience what it was that Emily and Muriel felt. I could always walk away after I tried it. I was beautiful in a way I had never imagined. I would walk slowly and gracefully. I would roll my hips. I would arch my back and show off my perfect breasts. I would be his vixen. I would make Master proud, indeed.
He led me through the house to a large room. I would call it a living room. It had large windows looking out on a huge garden. There were many strangers in the room. All were wearing clothes except me. Damn it, despite my best efforts I blushed bright red all over. I focused on keeping my head high and smiling. I rolled my hips like I wanted every man to ravish me and every woman to envy my naked body. Anyway, there was nothing else I could do except follow my nose until Master stopped. I tried to be graceful as I knelt beside him. His right hand still held my leash. He shortened his grip until I couldn't lower my head. The short leash incarnate.
Chapter 9 - Submissive to Slave
There were no slaves in the room. Master John said, loudly, "bring forth the slaves."
Harold walked in leading the coffle of neck chained beauties. Emily, Denise, Muriel, Angela, Jean, and last, my bitch mother, Sadie. All except Sadie were smiling. Harold stopped them so the line was halfway between Master John and my Master. Harold put them in standing display facing my Master. I saw a startled flash of recognition as she saw me. She didn't say anything. She looked happy to see me. Then I realized she was happy to see I wore the rings and collar of a slave like her. Bitch. He unlocked Sadie from the others. He led her to my Master and said, "Master Samuel, here is your slave, Sadie. Kneel to your Master, slave. She did. My Master took her lead and a whip from Harold and said, "Slave, submit to me."
Sadie spoke in a quiet voice, "Master I submit myself to you. I am your slave, Sadie. Command me."
Master spoke, "Sadie, speak louder. Let everyone hear you. You were unconvincing. Give me your submission and meant it or feel the whip."
Sadie spoke louder, "Master, I am Sadie. I submit myself to you. I beg to pleasure you and obey you in all things. I will serve you forever without reservation. Own me, Master me, take me, please, My Master." She bent low and kissed his feet. First one then the other. She stayed low.
Master said, " I accept this slave as my own. Master John, I thank you for this small gift. I will take my leave to enjoy my property if that pleases you?"
Master John said, My house is always open to you Samuel. Go and enjoy these worthless slaves."
Master locked mothers lead to my collar and lifted my leash. I stood, following the leash signal and followed Master outside. I felt mother's chain making small jerks on my collar as we walked. Master led us to a house only a short distance away. Inside it was a normal, nicely designed, interesting house. When we entered one thing caught my eye. There was a sturdy track fastened to the ceiling. I could see it had many branches like a tree spreading throughout the house. I knew immediately what it was for. Master opened a tall cabinet and pulled out a chain. It descended from a trolley running in the track. He locked the end to the back ring of my collar and unlocked mother from me. He locked another track chain to her collar and removed her lead. He unlocked my leash and my hands.
"You can explore the house, Elinor. We'll fix lunch later." He took mother into a room and called out over his shoulder, "This is my room. Don't come in here. I need to try out this slave." He thrust her in the room and closed the door. I think I heard the lock click, but I didn't try it.
I wandered through the house. It was larger than I first thought. I found four bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. There was an office, kitchen, dining room, living room, and laundry room. There was an completely tiled room that was equipped to wash a horse. I guess that was for washing slaves. There was a cell with concrete walls and a barred front. It had rings all over the walls and floor. I thought it was a fitting room for the bitch mother. I was impressed. I went back to the kitchen and made a cup of tea.
It was a unique experience for me. Before I enslaved myself, I was free to roam. My mother didn't care so long as I did not cause her any grief. Now I was hobbled and collared. My hands were free but my tether would stop me from going outside. I had a constant companion making a whooshing sound behind me when I moved. And snubbing me short if I tried to cut a corner or go where the track didn't. There was a garage but my track only went far enough for me to open the door. Going into it was ganz verbotten.
I noticed only two of the bedrooms had a track to allow me to enter or use the restroom. In one the track stopped at the door. I knew the track went into Master's room. Although some rooms were forbidden to me, I felt at home. I knew I would live here at least until I was eighteen. I guessed I might join the full slaves then. I had hoped I would spend more time with them. I wanted to join their sorority. They seemed to be happy with each other. I knelt in the living room and drank my tea. I understood furniture was not for slaves use.
I locked the track chains to Elinor and Sadie's collars then I removed the chain joining them. I told Elinor to explore the house and wait for lunch. I took Sadie into my bedroom and locked the door.
After I got Sadie in my bedroom I grabbed her and pulled her to me. I kissed her, hard. Her eyes were wide and filled with fear. Quite reasonable for I was not going to be nice to her for a long time. She had to expiate her sins. I said "Kneel and service me slut." I took out my cock and shoved it into her mouth. She took it in immediately and started sucking and licking. She had me hard in seconds. I put my hands in her hair and gave her a face fucking. Hard and quick. I came fast. "Swallow it all cunt. Plenty of calories for your lunch." I wanted her to lose a few pounds and this was a good way. I was mad at her and I let it show. I used my manhood to punish her and from the look in her eyes, she knew it.
I sat on the bed and pulled her over my knees, face down. I threw a leg over hers and used my left hand to hold her collar. I tanned her beautiful butt until it was bright red. She took the first four blows without a sound. Then she started yelling in pain and pleading for leniency. My cock was getting ready to go again as I was spanking Sadie. I judged when to stop by the color of her ass. I stopped when both cheeks were fiery red and my cock was hard again. I rolled her onto the floor and ordered, "Standing display, slut. She had a hard time standing with hand locked to the small of her back, but she made it. I led her to the foot of my bed by her nose ring. I bent her over so her ass was in the air, legs straight, shoulders laying on the bed. I said, "don't move." I got a tube of lube and smeared it in and around her ass h
ole. I rammed my stiff cock up her ass hard and fast. She squealed in pain and surprise. I pumped hard and came fast. I made her stay where she was while I got her hood. I stood her up and strapped the hood on tight. I locked all the straps so she couldn't get it off.
I knelt her and made her clean my cock with her tongue. I put her back in standing display position i thought about putting a chastity belt on her. I wanted her aroused and needy. I had it in my mind that, unlike the voluntary slaves, she would be more submissive if I kept her needy. No, I would first train her to expect frequent orgasm then cut her off. I was less mad at her now, but a long way from happy. I opened the door and put her in the cell. The track chain was long enough she could lay on the floor. There was nothing in the cell but her. She would have to sleep naked on the concrete floor. I went to have lunch with Elinor.
I found her as I came into the kitchen.
"How about lasagna for lunch? Marie put some in the fridge."
"Great Master, I bet hers is good."
He heated it while I set the table. "What about my bitch mother. Do we have to feed her?"
He said he'd already fed her and put her in the cell.
I was curious. "What did you feed her, Master. I didn't see any food."
"Cum. I want her to lose some weight so don't feed her anything unless I tell you. Be sure she gets plenty of water. I left a case of water bottles in the corridor."
"OK, Master." We ate and discussed my school and how it would work. I would attend classes with the three girls in the classroom. Someone would check my work and my notes. The whip would encourage me to do my best.
He said, "Ellie, I want Sadie to be well trained and abjectly submissive. I want you to be her trainer. You are the 'bad cop' and there is no 'good cop.' Understand?"