Wage Slaves 2: College Bound Page 6
Oh boy, did I. This was going to be such a turn on. "Yes, Master. I will be strict with her."
"Good. I want her to get used to being fastened by her rings and chains while being whipped. I want you to train her to orgasm with just the whip. I know you Got Emily and Muriel off with the whip followed by some cunt stimulation. Sadie will take a little more work to get off at first. I want you to show her there is no difference between pleasure and pain. I think she is a true submissive and will orgasm through pain. But that's not all. I want her to achieve orgasm through simple manipulation of her breasts and pussy. You should try a variety of instrument too. I have a small whip with ten light strands designed to flog her breasts and pussy. I expect you to be creative and persistent. The more ways you and I can force an orgasm, the less control she will have. I want her to have none."
"Yes, Master. This will be such fun. Pleasure and pain until she orgasms."
After I put the dinner dishes away we went to see my bitch mother. We didn't go in the cell, but a room I hadn't noticed before. I thought it was a closet. It was the house security room. The main screen had several views of the cell with Sadie sitting up against a wall. I had not seen any cameras in my tour.
"Elinor, I want your mother to wear that hood for a long time. Maybe as much as a month. You will be her only contact with the world while she's hooded. I want you to make her submissive. Your job is to see her every morning, noon and night. Take her a bottle of water every time. I will give you food to give her. Take a whip with you. Talk to her but don't answer any questions. Every time she complains, argues, or asks questions, whip her. Teach her what is not allowed. But your real job is to teach her to orgasm whenever she feels pain on her ass or is touched on any of her sexual parts. Fasten her by her rings often and leave her fastened for long periods. There's chamber pot with a lid beside the water. Give it to her in the morning. Let her put it where she can reach it."
"I have a three part plan to make her submissive and dependent. You'll like it. First, an important element in subjugating a woman is the gag. With it she quickly understand she is not in control. Putting her voice under control is especially meaningful for a woman. So until I say so, put a gag in her mouth whenever you're not with her. There is a nice selection of bondage equipment in the cabinet in the hall outside the cell. Use different ones for variety.
Second, I want her body to not be able to tell the difference between pain and arousal. You will do this by their frequent close association. Now I am not talking about her mind and conscious thought. I want her body, when it feels pain to tell the brain it is aroused. Make sure she orgasms during or after being whipped. Always whip her ass. I don't want the pain and arousal switch to happen with other parts of her body. This way she can be punished by whipping her back or thighs, or anywhere else. The ass will always give her an orgasm.
The third part is, after she has the ass pain to arousal well established, to stop letting her have an orgasm. The second step will teach her body to expect many orgasms a day. When they stop, she will quite soon become needy. Her need will drive her further into submission. Play with her nipples and her asshole. There are some butt plugs in the cabinet too. Start with a small one and work up a size every week or so. Use lots of lube and try to get her up to a size six by the end of the month.
Anyway, you know my plan. Do it. "
Chapter 10 - Slave Training
I liked Master's plan. Correct her behavior and teach her to get orgasms through ass whippings. The bitch mother would not know if or when she would get punished. I would let the whip teach her not to be assertive or whine. I would not correct her unless she broke a rule. But she would have to be logical and discern the rules from when she felt pain. I could whip her several times a day.
I took her lunch to her and let her eat in peace. I clipped a short chain to a high wall ring. When finished I let her use the pail and put her butt plug back in. I put my index finger in her nose ring and pulled her to the chain I had just installed. I clipped her nose ring to the chain. I locked her nipple rings to some convenient wall rings.
I whipped her ass hard, stopping after four strokes to feel her cunt. It was wet. I gave her four more and felt again. This time she orgasmed with a scream at my touch. "Good, mother." I left her locked to the wall and went back to the viewing room.
"Master, how was that?
"Excellent, Ellie. Are you finished with her now?"
"Not quite, Master, I forgot the gag. I'll do it now. May I ask a question?"
"Master, why are all slaves kept locked up all the time? We are volunteers, mostly. We aren't going to run away. We like it here."
"We want you to be slaves, not act like slaves. Remember, we sell videos of the slaves doing mostly normal things with a lot of sex thrown in. So you are never free. No slave may have her hands free unless fastened in place. Or is under direct supervision of a Master and in a secure facility. The second immutable rule is that no slave may be outside of a secure facility unless she is on a leash held by a Master. Or if she is on a coffle supervised by a Master."
"Master does that even apply to me? After all I am not on camera, right."
"Do you remember when I said the rules are immutable? If we make exceptions, we are more likely to make mistakes. Besides, you may decide to stay on as a real slave. If so, I don't want you expecting special treatment. Yes, it applies to you. You ARE a slave and will be treated as one."
"All right. Makes sense. May I go now? I'll finish mom then do my homework?"
"OK. Tell me when you're done and I will check it."
"Yes, Master." I was a little snarky, but he let it pass.
I went out in the hall and picked up a whip, the bucket and a water bottle. . "Hi, mom. Comfortable?"
She said, " You know I'm not comfortable. I'm blind, my hands are locked behind me and I'm fastened to the wall by my rings. How long must I stay like this?"
I took careful aim and laid a red stripe on her thigh.
She yelped and jumped. I could see the extra flash of pain ripple through her as she yanked on her rings. Of course she couldn't reach the painful stripe with any part of her. So she just yelled. "Would you like some water?"
"Ellie, you don't have to be so mean. I always tried to be a good mother to you."
The next stripe went on her other thigh. She repeated the yelling but didn't move this time.
"Would you like some water now?" I asked sweetly.
"Please can I have some water?" she asked sarcastically.
I put the next stripe across her left breast. She jumped again and hurt her nipples. I could see the ripples running across her breast. Her screams were magnificent.
When she subsided and was just panting, I said in a soft, sweet voice, "Mother, how should you address me?"
Sadie moaned and said, "Mistress, I'm sorry, mistress, may I please have some water?"
"Of course mother, I have a water bottle. open your mouth." I poured a little in at a time. She drank it all down.
Sadie asked, "Can you tell me how long I must stay hooded like this?"
I laid the next stripe on her right breast. More kicking, and yelling. Eventually she ran down, panting with her exertions.
I reminded her, "Mother, how should you address me?"
"Mistress" she said, "I will always address you as mistress. I'm sorry I forgot mistress."
"OK. Try not to forget again. Open your mouth. Its time for your gag. She opened obediently and I strapped the ball into her mouth. Ta Ta. See you tomorrow, mom."
I went back to the security room, my track chain following me like a tail. I said, " I enjoyed that a lot, that bitch."
Master said, "You did well, Elinor. I think your mother began to understand what she is, or will be.
I pressed myself against the concrete wall. I now understood my masters would use my rings to fasten me how they wanted. Somehow I had thought they were just to mark
me as property. I know men like to mark their property. They are often quite possessive. It never occurred to me they would be used to fasten me like this. As I pondered this oversight, I realized the possibilities were many. I had already been led by a leash on my nose ring. It was logical that a leash on any of my rings would be convenient attachment points for a leash. Elinor had spoken of putting bells on my rings. That would apply to all my rings, of course. Other things such as serving trays and signs might find my rings useful points of attachment. I felt a mild outrage at these thoughts. Mild because I knew my masters could use any part of me as they wished. My dignity had fled long ago.
My legs began to hurt at the strained posture. My ass was stinging. I wondered at my treatment. Why was I hooded. That was the worst part of my punishment. I couldn't anticipate anything. The whip just landed with no warning. Why was I fastened to the wall by my rings. It had to be a punishment. And why the gag. I had never disturbed them before. Was everything just part of my punishment? Why did she whip me until I had an orgasm? God, that was great. The orgasm couldn't be part of my punishment, could it?
Elinor had whipped me again and again. The pain was incredible from that whip. My thighs and breasts felt like they had been cut open. I knew from my previous whipping that was not likely. They still hurt. I longed to rub the welts and sooth them, but I couldn't reach anything with my hands locked behind me.
Has she been enslaved too? I didn't keep my wits about me enough to ask while she was here. I saw her wearing the same chains and rings as the rest of us when I submitted to Sam. I hear her ankle chain when she walked. How did this happen. Was it because of me. Did they take her as retribution for what I tried to do? No, that doesn't make sense. I hurt her too in my idiocy. She couldn't have just volunteered. She's only in high school. Did Sam make her? Has he fucked her? Oh, God, I wish someone would tell me what's happening. I'm missing so much locked up here. This must be like prison, without the sex.
I'm hungry. Did he mean that about his cum was my dinner. I don't know what time it is. This damn hood is terrible so many ways. I liked his cum. It was like a salty milkshake. But it wasn't filling. Had that tiny breakfast, no lunch, and only cum for dinner. It was so demeaning eating my food out of a dish on the floor like a dog. All those people watching me. I wish I was back there instead of being blind in this cell. Who do I complain to about the lousy service in this dump. Not Elinor. Who else will see me tomorrow? Or the day after? Elinor said she's in charge of me. Doers that mean she is the only one to see me? For how long? I'm going to starve.
She seemed vindictive. Every time I asked a simple question she whipped me. Was it a plan? Could questions trigger the whip?
Being blind was terrible. I couldn't see it coming. The whip seemed almost to materialize on my skin. I didn't know if anyone was watching me. If I peed, it would just have to run down my leg and I would stand in it. Not a worry now. Well if someone was watching, that's their problem. I remember when I first had to use the pail. My chains didn't make it impossible to use it. Just a lot harder.
She put it beside me. I managed to scrunch up the wall to a standing position. My ankles were chained so I had to be careful how I moved. I inched along the wall, feeling ahead with my toes. There. I felt it. Just a little more. The lid. My hands are locked at the small of my back. If I inch down the wall, maybe I can lift the lid off. If only I could spread my legs a little more. No, the chain is too tight. I sat down on the floor again and managed to lift the lid off with my hands. I dropped it on the floor. I don't know how I can get it back on, though. I inched up the wall again and scooted over. I felt the pail with my feet. I think I'm centered over it. I relax my bladder and feel the blessed relief as my urine flows out of my strained bladder. I'm careful to let it out slow, in fear of missing the pail. I'm done at last. I feel the smallest sense of accomplishment. I managed to pee without getting my feet wet. Hooray. The lid stayed off.
So how do I keep from getting whipped to death when Elinor comes back. I know some rules, I think. Simple rules. Don't ask questions. Be respectful. Don't complain. Don't... , oh hell. Be submissive. Elinor is mad at me for good reason. Now she's my boss. I need to accept that or I'll be whipped. I must be able to do something. She's only sixteen. But I can't resist. These chains and rings mean anyone with one hand can make me do anything. I can't resist. I don't want to submit. And I'm in need of a good fuck. My loins haven't settled down from Sam. I wonder why he just used my mouth and asshole. My cunt is wide open and helpless. I'm sure its the first thing guys see with me fixed like this. I wonder if I'll get another orgasm?
I was bored. There was nothing to do. I couldn't move my hands. I was fastened to the wall by my nipples and nose. I played with the chain dangling from my collar. I kicked my legs and jingled their chain. I inched up the wall but located nothing new. Not unexpected since I only had an inch or so of motion available to me. Before lunch I had explored all I could touch. My chain let me wander all around my tiny cell. I half hoped I would find a pad or mattress. Nope. I found rings all over the walls and in the floor as I inched around. The cell door was locked and wouldn't even rattle.
I trod around my cell over and over. There are twenty seven rings on the three walls within reach of my chained hands. There are also twenty seven rings in the floor. I could touch forty five links in the chain locked to my collar. If I lay on my back and pull my legs up as far as possible, I can touch my ankle chain. There are fifteen links in the chain joining my ankles. I counted them several times a day. I sat most of the time and remembered happier times. To my dismay, Josh's image was fading . Only Sam's was fresh and clear. I wanted to taste his cum again. I was hungry. Oh, shit. I couldn't concentrate. I want to see. I want to feel something other than concrete and chains. I wanted Elinor to come back. I was so alone. I wanted Elinor to talk to me. I would risk the whip for a human voice.
I rolled the words over and over as I stood there. Humility, humble, docile, meek, lowly, submissive, deferential, subservient, servile, abject, obedient. I was all those. I was a helpless slave that had angered her betters. Worse, I had turned my daughter against me. I knew I should suffer the consequences of my actions. I knew I would suffer them until my masters decide I had been punished enough. Until I had learned to behave as the natural slave I was. I realized I felt like I belonged to Master Sam and wanted nothing more than to be allowed to serve him.
Long, endless hours passed and at last Elinor came into my cell.
Without a word she laid the whip across my ass four times. She felt my cunt. Two more stripes and she rubbed my cunt. One more stripe, she rubbed my cunt and I orgasmed. I screamed into my gag. Pain screamed from my nipples and nose.
"Nice, mom."
I understood. She was training me to orgasm to the whip! My daughter was conditioning me like Pavlov's Dogs. I would resist. I would not let her turn me into her pet. Hell, I couldn't resist anything. I was in the power of a vengeful Goddess. I would end up just as she wanted me. My only hope was Master Sam. Only he could stop this. But he was her master too. Was this his plan? If so, then I was doomed to mental helplessness as well as physical. I hoped I would like the ride.
Elinor, my Mistress and daughter, released me from the wall and removed my gag. She fed me and let me use the pail. The gag was held to my lips and I opened my mouth. The gag was strapped tight. She left the cell. I sat down, grateful for not being further restrained.
No one ever talks about gags in polite company. This ball gag was efficient. It held my tongue on the floor of my mouth. Forming words was impossible. I could still grunt and moan through my nose. but not loudly. The thing I didn't know until one was left in mouth was, you couldn't stop drooling. The slimy stuff dripped out of my mouth like I was doing it on purpose. I couldn't stop it. It ran down my breasts and dust stuck to it. It made me look retarded. Which I may be for letting myself get into this mess. I'll bet a gag that lets me close my lips would feel better. Just saying.
I peed again then I
I woke and feared to move. I was afraid my nightmare isolation was true. I woke all the way and found it was true. I didn't move. Once a slave girl has warmed the concrete under her naked body, she tries to stay in contact as long as possible. I needed to pee again. I was learning to do that one thing I could do with speed. Whoopee. i experimented and found several ways to cross my legs.
Finally, Elinor came. I heard her coming by the jingle of her chains and her soft footfalls. Her gait was different because of her hobble, as was mine. I heard her unlock the door and come in. I knelt. She removed my gag and I sad, "Thank you , Good morning, Mistress."
She responded, "good morning, mother. Would you like some water?"
"Yes, please, Mistress."
She put a water bottle to my lips and I drank deep.
She asked, "Would you like some breakfast, mother?"
"Yes, please, Mistress."
She put a fork to my lips. I took the fork into my mouth and got some scrambled egg with cheese. It was the most wonderful food I had ever eaten. I received seven more bites. I was still hungry. I said, "Thank you, Mistress. That was wonderful."
She said, "Would you like some orange juice, mother?" I said, "Yes, please, Mistress." I drank a small glass of juice.
I asked, "Mistress, I would like you to stay and talk to me if you can."
"No," she said, "I have to go. I will be back later."
"Mistress, is there anyone I can speak to?"
"No," she said, "there is just me."
"Mistress, I am so alone. I need to speak to someone or I will go crazy." The whip burned across my back. I cried and contorted, but I couldn't reach it.
Elinor said, "no complaining. Open your mouth."
I hesitated and the whip struck my left breast, hard. I screamed and writhed on the floor.
"Elinor said, "Standing display, slave and open your mouth wide."
"Yes, Mistress." I scrambled to my feet as fast as I could, using the wall. Finally, I stood, back arched, feet spread to the limit of their chain. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. A large ball gag was thrust into my mouth, pushing my tongue flat. It was buckled behind my head.